
Two perfect hours has been slent listening to Full Frontal. I cant believe season 2 is officially over... I'm so sad, I have nothing to look forward to on Mondays anymore. The guys always made my Mondays better or made my day depending on how the horrible day went. They always end up putting a smile on my face just by the little jokes they made, playing Are You Smarter Than Jack, Fun Facts, interviews and sometimes the weird news. I will miss Full Frontal❤ I can't wait when they come back with season 3! 


Two perfect hours has been slent listening to Full Frontal. I cant believe season 2 is officially over... I'm so sad, I have nothing to look forward to on Mondays anymore. The guys always made my Mondays better or made my day depending on how the horrible day went. They always end up putting a smile on my face just by the little jokes they made, playing Are You Smarter Than Jack, Fun Facts, interviews and sometimes the weird news. I will miss Full Frontal❤ I can't wait when they come back with season 3! 


OMG GUYS I GOT JAIME'S PICK LAST NIGHT!!! Asfdehgaaga I found it under the barricade and no one was really paying attention to the floor so I picked it up and put it into my pocket, I wasn't going to let that sucker leave my sight! Jaime's pick is the first musical instrument tool I got from any of my favorite bands! That pick was the highlight of my night! \m/ I can't wait until all of those four bands go back on tour together again!