Greetings my friendly Trapper of Springs. How be you?


@SpringTrap212332 all good, just wanted the idea out there lol


@SethTDW interesting idea. But not really my cup of tea at the moment. I may do it some time in the future but not anytime soon.


this message may be offensive
@SpringTrap212332 So one day, Izuku is being assaulted by his so called friends and family as those with quirks related to fire start hitting him with everything, as he starts to scream and appears to “melt”. Later on when he’s half melted they leave him there or run in fear. Later on it’s revealed that Izuku unlocked his true power, known as Slimebound.
            Slimebound gives him a decent selection of abilities. First off he has the Slime Genetics similar to that of Rimuru Tempest, such as 
            - Size Alteration 
            - Body Shifting
            - Self-Regen
            - Physical Resistance (been active since birth)
            - Blunt and Kinetic Damage Immunity
            - Consume (Rimuru’s ability to eat shit, not to gain skills from eating shit, though there is still a chance to do that it’s just tiny as hell)
            He then goes on to become someone known as “Monarch”, a violent yet highly beloved ruler of a newly found country known only as “Tempest”. He also would discover later on that his so called family were never his, and that all that he has left of his family are a letter, and a locket left behind from his mother. (He’s not related to Rimuru, but you can decide his heritage)
            Few things to note. 
            1) he does not have Great Sage, Blackflame, Black Lightning, Gluttony or any of that shit. 
            2) he can gain a new skill if he consumes an attack, but it’s a 25% chance and has a cool-down of 1-6 months depending on its rank
            3) he no longer needs to breathe, eat or sleep, but he chooses to do them all to both keep the semblance of human and to keep him sane
            4) he won’t gain any of the extremely op shit like Great Sage as it makes it more boring to write and I think you’d find it difficult to write an additional voice when doing the entire thing already


Hi Author,
          I hope you’re doing well. I manage the The Fiction World YouTube Channel (link below), where I create "what if" scenarios for Deku and MHA, inspired by fanfiction stories I read and analyze. I’d love it if you could check out my channel.
          Would it be okay for me to adapt your work into an audio format for my channel? I’ll give you full credit and include your links in the video and description.
          Thanks for your time! I look forward to hearing from you.
          Channel Link:


@1FictionWorld You can do that. I'm not a regular updater and most of my stories will remain unfinished, but that just leave open ended stories for others to finish off how they feel it should end.
            Hope that doesn't upset you.


Can you proof read my story? If your too busy it is fine but i would like some advice


I was thinking taking a slower approach, because harry is empathetic, so i dont think he would kill big spooder, and the assimilation thing more or less just uses the mass


Looks interesting. I don't know anything about Murder Drones but this has a lot of potential, like assimilating the Basilisk and Acromantula to begin with.


Greetings my friend, how is your health and sanity lmao?


@SpringTrap212332 say the two. Seems pretty nifty 


@SpringTrap212332 I like it, I like it. What would Izuku’s outfit and new weapon be? As I imagine since Nooroo is within a new Miraculous, she can give a new item to fight with, maybe a Bo Staff or something like perhaps a hammer?


@SpringTrap212332 gotcha. Ooo what if his eyes can glow from using a small passive of Nooroo’s power outside of the suit, like Miraculous Deku? Maybe an Empath ability where he can feel people and their emotions within a range?