
this message may be offensive
Posting to say. people who have ghosted me and told me they didn’t want to rp anymore A YEAR LATER Can go eat shit thank you logging off now 


@vernorexia-- god why are you responding to something from a year ago 


@Springcosmos God why are you being so mean


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Before I log off again. I’m also saying that to those who fucking assumed I was asexual Fuck you as well. Just because I don’t want to do dirty rp does not mean I hate sex please don’t go pushing your ideas of my apparent sexuality on me thank you. Finally fuck the people I rped catradora with who ghosted me 


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Posting to say. people who have ghosted me and told me they didn’t want to rp anymore A YEAR LATER Can go eat shit thank you logging off now 


@vernorexia-- god why are you responding to something from a year ago 


@Springcosmos God why are you being so mean


this message may be offensive
Before I log off again. I’m also saying that to those who fucking assumed I was asexual Fuck you as well. Just because I don’t want to do dirty rp does not mean I hate sex please don’t go pushing your ideas of my apparent sexuality on me thank you. Finally fuck the people I rped catradora with who ghosted me 


Just letting you all know as well to anyone who’s concerned of my potential leave of the app. I’m not giving up my account to any of you so don’t ask me for my account,I’m also really not obligated to tell you guys why I want to leave but i felt it was better to explain myself to anyone who would listen to keep a look out for my final book. And if anyone asks me repeatedly on why I finally decided to leave You will most likely not like my answer so see ya!


@Springcosmos <3 Do whats best for you, thats one lesson that I had trouble accepting.


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Also before I do vanish to those who have never spoke to me, if you do not know me don’t try to make me stay I honestly can’t be here anymore,to the people I’ve met thank you for talking to a weird bitch like me,and to those who’ve never spoke to me thanks I guess for following this weird bitch (addressing myself as weird bitch) if anyone would like to speak to me outside of wattpad private message me and I’ll give you my other social media’s (if you do know me from Instagram go ahead and shoot me a dm there to ask me why I want to leave this forsaken app)


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Hey everyone, spring here 
          Looks like I’ve been gone for a while... 
          ok so I know none of you really give a shit but since no one has made an effort to talk to me,and since I have made no effort to talk to anyone else due to people being rude and whatnot I have made the decision to possibly go offline for good, yes I will still be on to read any books i have saved from other authors but chances are I will refrain from replying to anyone in my books and stuff. If I do answer lucky you I guess but as of right now I can’t be on this app making myself annoyed and whatnot that my books aren’t good enough for you people and that I can’t be whatever some of you expect of me. Chances are I will at some point delete half my books here and send out a possible final book explaining my reasoning for leaving. But knowing me I will probably be back on but not saying a word perhaps once In a blue moon. Also before I end this announcement I really don’t want to see people assuming I’m leaving cause of them while yes that may be true it’s my decision and I’ve decided that I can’t be here anymore the girl who got me into this app left,the one dude who actually acknowledged me left as well I’ve basically got no one to speak to on my interests with out being Called a cunt or whatever. So See y’all in that new book which I will be making in the near or distant future.