
this message may be offensive
TW: abortions, rape
          	HI, so today, I saw @uhhhhitsgeorgieig post a message about abortions and such. To this day I always heard people say that we should make abortions illegal because it's practically killing humans. But @uhhhhitsgeorgieig pointed out the things I've been thinking all along and I 100% agree with them. 
          	Do people realize how traumatic is to carry a child when you are only like 10 years old (or an adult woman) after you've been raped? And not to mention that there is a big possibility that the child and the parent that is so young can die?
          	In my country abortion is allowed only until the 12th week (at least I think). Because after that it's considered a murder I think? But I am not sure. 
          	And to be honest? I think that even if they made abortion illegal, the mothers would still find a way to try to get rid of the child and probably in the least safe way that could possibly kill her too. So the making it illegal thing is kind of pointless when you think about it. When people really want something, they will find a way, no matter how illegal it is. (But this is just my opinion in this thing).
          	But the other side also is: When a mother has sex with a lot of men and one day gets pregnant and just says "Oh, but I don't want a child, I can't sleep around then" (which can happen but probably not as often). And decides to do abortion it is a bad thing. 
          	All of the things in the world have their pro's and con's in my opinion. And you can never make anyone agree to one thing, there will always be people who think differently. 
          	This is a serious matter that shouldn't be taken lightly. 
          	But this is all my opinion and I am sorry if it doesn't make much sense, I tried to tell how I feel about this matter but it's kind of hard. 
          	Anywayyy, thanks to @uhhhhitsgeorgieig who wrote it much better in my opinion and pointed out all the things that really matter.


@OfficialCherryPie Yeah, you have a point too. This matter is complicated and hard to solve.


@Springforever3 I feel that it is so wrong that at this point a lot of the argument is just people being like “There should be exceptions for incest/rape” as of a woman should only have rights to bodily autonomy when they’ve been violated. It’s utterly disgusting. What the hell has this world come to? (Not disagreeing with any of the points you’ve made but just adding).


@Springforever3 thank you so much for posting this! And youre 100% correct! Banning abortion will just make the person pregnant find unsafe ways to have an abortion because they wont be able to find a safe way! I completely forgot that point in my argument so thank you for posting this cuz there is definitely more reasons than i stated!!


this message may be offensive
TW: abortions, rape
          HI, so today, I saw @uhhhhitsgeorgieig post a message about abortions and such. To this day I always heard people say that we should make abortions illegal because it's practically killing humans. But @uhhhhitsgeorgieig pointed out the things I've been thinking all along and I 100% agree with them. 
          Do people realize how traumatic is to carry a child when you are only like 10 years old (or an adult woman) after you've been raped? And not to mention that there is a big possibility that the child and the parent that is so young can die?
          In my country abortion is allowed only until the 12th week (at least I think). Because after that it's considered a murder I think? But I am not sure. 
          And to be honest? I think that even if they made abortion illegal, the mothers would still find a way to try to get rid of the child and probably in the least safe way that could possibly kill her too. So the making it illegal thing is kind of pointless when you think about it. When people really want something, they will find a way, no matter how illegal it is. (But this is just my opinion in this thing).
          But the other side also is: When a mother has sex with a lot of men and one day gets pregnant and just says "Oh, but I don't want a child, I can't sleep around then" (which can happen but probably not as often). And decides to do abortion it is a bad thing. 
          All of the things in the world have their pro's and con's in my opinion. And you can never make anyone agree to one thing, there will always be people who think differently. 
          This is a serious matter that shouldn't be taken lightly. 
          But this is all my opinion and I am sorry if it doesn't make much sense, I tried to tell how I feel about this matter but it's kind of hard. 
          Anywayyy, thanks to @uhhhhitsgeorgieig who wrote it much better in my opinion and pointed out all the things that really matter.


@OfficialCherryPie Yeah, you have a point too. This matter is complicated and hard to solve.


@Springforever3 I feel that it is so wrong that at this point a lot of the argument is just people being like “There should be exceptions for incest/rape” as of a woman should only have rights to bodily autonomy when they’ve been violated. It’s utterly disgusting. What the hell has this world come to? (Not disagreeing with any of the points you’ve made but just adding).


@Springforever3 thank you so much for posting this! And youre 100% correct! Banning abortion will just make the person pregnant find unsafe ways to have an abortion because they wont be able to find a safe way! I completely forgot that point in my argument so thank you for posting this cuz there is definitely more reasons than i stated!!


          I just saw the last Hawkeye episode and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone so I won't say what happened. But if someone wants to talk about it they can send me a message. 
          For me it was an emotional and who hasn't seen it yet can be really exited. 
          Hawkeye is one of my favorite shows ever (After Supernatural). It was really exiting to watch Clint and Kate interact with each other and we got to see more of Clints funny side. Jeremy and Hailee did an amazing job and I love their performance and chemistry. 
          I am really grateful that Marvel finally acknowledged Clint and gave him his own show. Florence's performance was again amazing and I loved to see her in the show.


Hi, just checking in to see how you are doing and to see when the next chapter will be ready. I hope you are doing well.. 


That’s ok, I understand that you’re busy I was just curious about the next chapter. 


@CloverDrysdale Thank you.
            Could be better but the chapter will probably be either on Christmas or sooner. I am really sorry for not updating but I've had a lot of work for school and some personal problems. Again, I am very sorry. 
            I will work on it today so maybe next week it could be out.


Oh my Chuck.
          The first two episodes of Hawkeye are out! I already watched them and I am so amazed. I love the atmosphere of it and I am glad that Hawkeye is finally getting some recognition. 
          I only hope that Yelena won't kill Clint and he gets to finally retire. 
          Anyway, you can't imagine how happy I am after seeing the first two episodes. 
          SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          I can't actually believe that they gave him HEARING AIDS. I am so so happy that we got to see Clint and Nate using sign language. 
          The dynamic between Kate and Clint is amazing and I can't wait to see more. I am also happy that Clint's family is also there.


@Springforever3 oh my god I watched them too as soon as they came out and I couldn't agree more. It was Sooo good. But we have to wait so long for the third episode to come out. 


When will chapter five of Breathe be posted? 


No problem…. 


I understand and look forward to reading the new chapter soon. 


this message may be offensive
Okay I was on Pinterest today and stumbled upon a picture from Nat and Clint on Vormir and saw a lot of people saying that he should have died which makes me sad and mad at the same time. 
          I just think that people shouldn't blame him and hate him just because he didn't die instead of Nat. Can you imagine Nat telling Clint's family that he died? Lila, Cooper and Nataniel would loose a father, Laura a husband and Nat would loose the first person who trusted her and gave her the chance for a new life. I tried to imagine what would that look like and it had me in tears. Also do you remember what he said after coming back from Vormir? "It should have been me" I cried so hard when he said that. He blamed himself so bad.
          Also he didn't want Nat to die. If you watch the scene, he jumps first and Nat after him so people really can't say that he didn't try.
          I also heard that people hate Clint just because he doesn't have any kind of superpowers and is average. I heard people say: He just shots arrows, he shouldn't be on the team. I think that just because he shoots arrows is amazing. It shows that you don't have to be some kind of genius/supersoldier/enhanced to save the world. He learned it in a circus by himself. And I think that that's amazing. 
          Also some people say that he should have died instead of Pietro which is bullshit. Pietro choose to do it and no one forced him. Clint didn't want Pietro to die. Plus, Clint was ready to loose his life just to save an innocent child (knowing that he had family back at home). 
          I also admire the fact that he hid his family and only a few people knew about it (I think it was Fury, Nat and maybe Coulson? I am not sure). And then he risked his secret when he brought the Avengers to the farm. 
          Clint is such an underrated hero and it makes me sad that people hate him just because he doesn't have powers. Or because Nat and Pietro died to save him (which he didn't want).
          Thanks for reading this.


@Springforever3 Thank you for making me cry...... 


@Springforever3 people really need to stop hating on Clint, especially when he tried to sacrifice himself and the only reason he lost was because he had to fight Nat