I will be unpublishing my Sanders Sides fanfiction, Flames of War, for I do not like how the story is turning out, it just isn’t what I wanted it to be, and frankly I just need to take a breather and start over. For the few people who have read the few chapters I’ve published, do not worry as I will be rewriting it! I will be keeping the original draft of Flames of War but hopefully I’ll have the rewritten work published by the next few months, I will be taking a break for a while though. But I will keep you all updated on the story and when I’m finally ready to work on and publish it! :)
Thank you all for understanding,
(PS, The first few chapters were from like a year or two ago and are just really poorly written. And, the original plot just doesn’t make any sense so I feel I need to take a fresh start with it, but it might take me awhile to get back to working on this, I apologize for the inconvenience.)