Dear @SqUiShY_bOnEs_, I'm a Youtuber, I do audio adaptation of MHA fanfiction stories. I loved the story written by you, So I have a humble request can I use your story for adaptation? I will definitely provide the original story link in the description.
It seems to say that the video was ‘removed by uploader’, I’d really like to see an example of what you do to see what it looks like and if everyone who wrote the fics you read is mentioned properly, so until then, no permission yet
like this:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah-5i2ojkgA , do i have permission ??
Wowow thanks so much for asking, I like the idea but would you mind sharing a link to maybe some other works you’ve put into audio just so I can get an understanding of exactly how it might look once it’s done??? Thanks again WAHOOO