
this message may be offensive
Dear readers that actually read our book when we update it,
          	     As you might know we suck at updating our story regularly. I added slow updates to our title because we take 5 million years to update each chapter. BOO!! I know but sometimes we got things to do! Well actually most of the time we are just laying in bed watching Netflix *cough cough* Kaitlyn *cough cough* but anyways sorry we suck @ life and have a nice day/night/afternoon LOVE YA'LL --BELL


this message may be offensive
Dear readers that actually read our book when we update it,
               As you might know we suck at updating our story regularly. I added slow updates to our title because we take 5 million years to update each chapter. BOO!! I know but sometimes we got things to do! Well actually most of the time we are just laying in bed watching Netflix *cough cough* Kaitlyn *cough cough* but anyways sorry we suck @ life and have a nice day/night/afternoon LOVE YA'LL --BELL


Hey guys! We love you all and we're really sorry that we haven't updated in a while. The title says 'on hold' because we aren't quite sure when we will be updating next. Thanks to everyone who has read and voted on our book!! Love you!! 
                -- Sqaud ❤️❤️