
This is a story about a teenage love affair. Can young love conquer all?


Tornado hit my town. Destroyed half of it.


@SqueackyGee thanks so much! Yeah me and mine are all good. This is the most excitement this town has had since the space shuttle Columbia crashed here. We made national news apparently. Had relatives in North Carolina and Arkansas calling. It hit the side of town I live on. It came within a stone's throw away from me. And I live in a trailer! We got very lucky. I'm out walking around and gettin pics now.


@Gangsta78 I know it must be heartbreaking seeing so much destruction. I hope that you and yours are safe right now. Please know that people are praying for y'all up there , a close neighbor of mine works with the Salvation Army Resource and I wanted to ask her today if they will be sending items out y'all's way. I want to gather some things from a few churches around here to donate. Hugs from Galveston!


@SqueackyGee  half the town is gone. Jumped my house 


@user33645232  It is most definitely a gift. I'm a avid reader and I absolutely adore your style. I'm all up in these books. Seriously, you make it very easy to imagine everything. From the way a character speaks, to how the relationships are formed or destroyed, you make it all seem so natural. ❤️❤️❤️