
Does anyone know how to get your story able to be searched?? I swear I put in all my tags and I still can’t locate any of my stories on this site.


@SqueekySneakers Maybe you should try changing the name of your stories to something more unique. The name Replaced brings up like a million other books. Try something that would force Wattpad to only show your book


@SqueekySneakers what are you trying to search your stories on?


@SqueekySneakers   Hi 
          This might sound wierd but I'm looking for a omegaverse story that was about a male omega who became a babysitter to 2 twins and their mom was an alpha female and was in Mafia.
          I forgot its name and i think I remember your comments on that book so I'm asking for your help please.


@SqueekySneakers no problem 
            Please tag me if you find it somehow 


Sorry— wish I could help but I can’t remember reading a story with that plot 


this message may be offensive
I just read your story dolls with souls and i just wanted to thank you for writing a tomboy x femboy story. I really love the role reversals too (Dara being a strong woman and Acacius being a pretty boy that uses make up and cares about appearance). The part when Dara became possesive because a girl checked Acacius put was just perfect
          I love that you didnt make Acacius weak or dumb and that both of them are intelligent
          I also really like how determined Dara is and how much she wants to save Acacius from the king. How she never gives up even though people look at her as worse because she didnt take a husband and wants to do the physical work by herself. As a tomboy myself, i have never read about a FMC that is so likable and relatable as her. And i have also never read about a MMC as likable and perfect as Acacius, he is such a sweetheart. 
          I also like how you wrote the side characters. There are not so many that i have no idea who is who, but enough to make it feel real.
          Acacius trauma is also so well written. I think you have a great balance of showing the pros and cons of being the kings concubine. The rape/assault scenes are well written, its easy to see how forced and horrible they are. And the way you write Acacius feelings about the palace is also very realistic, how he feels uncomfortable the other concubines but at the same time feels some kind of comnection. 
          I was searching for a story with tomboy x femboy for a long time and now i finally found the perfect one :) and the fact that it has actual plot too? I just love it so much. Thank you again for writing this story. Im also curious, do you know when you will post a new chapter? Im so excited for next part!!


@ SqueekySneakers  i wrote so many comments and then i needed to write this too, so im happy i made your night, i was so afraid that i was spamming  take your time with the new chapter, its understandable that you have other things to do too. Thank you again for writing this :)


@regardrgp pt. 2 lol:
            And it is very comforting to know that you have understood my portrayal of more sensitive topics like assault in the manner I was hoping for.
            I am very interested in protecting people from sexual exploitation and like to educate myself on the topic and even donate to a couple of anti-trafficking companies (Tim Tebow has a great one right now called UnKnown).
            I am very concerned with making sure I handle such topics appropriately so I’m glad you seem to think I pulled it off ;) 
            Also yes! Romance without plot bores me after awhile so I like romances with action! :)
            I will try to update soon, I have unfortunately been very busy recently. Traveling, doing summer camps, and also recording my EP with my band. 
            BUT, I have been looking through my drafts and editing them. I should have the next chapter soon :)
            I just get stuck because I don’t want the pacing to be off, so some chapters are less fun to write than others. lol  
            Thanks again for your generously kind message,
            Have a wonderful night!


Bro, thank you so much for this message, it literally made my night 
            I am so happy and genuinely floored by how much you have appreciated this story!
            It means so much to know that something I wrote was able to invoke so much excitement and engagement in another person!
            I also am someone people view as a tomboy and I myself have tirelessly searched for stories with love interests and dynamics that I could actually understand, and while I’ve found some, it was always so so difficult to do so.
            That is part of the reason my story even exists! 
            I write what I know and draw from my own experiences with my own friendships and crushes and struggles, so characters like Dara and Acacius, while not entirely the same as me, are very easily accessible for me.
            I write a lot of the stories I do to give voice to people like myself and my friends, that have a perspective that isn’t often portrayed.
            I’m honestly so honored that I was able to provide some sort of validation for your experiences through this story! 


Does anyone know how to get your story able to be searched?? I swear I put in all my tags and I still can’t locate any of my stories on this site.


@SqueekySneakers Maybe you should try changing the name of your stories to something more unique. The name Replaced brings up like a million other books. Try something that would force Wattpad to only show your book


@SqueekySneakers what are you trying to search your stories on?