
"Till A the Seas Gang Dry" update: a visit to the Jewish Ghetto and wizarding Venice, plus La Fenice and a bit of gondola hanky-panky.: https://www.wattpad.com/1046568013-till-a%27-the-seas-gang-dry-epithalamium-2-minerva


Hi! Firstly your books are amazing and I love them smmm, thank you for writing them-
          Also are they on AO3 specifically a Slant told tale-
          Thanks :)


Okay thank you!


@FallsinMarvel Thanks for the kind words! Yes, my stories are on AO3 under my username.


Hey Squibstress! Just wanted to say I love all your work and wondering if you are going to continue with a sequel to “Till a sea gang dry”? I've loved seeing the relationship between Minerva and Albus and would love to see how it developed throughout the Harry Potter universe. Xx


@The_lost_flower Heh. Yes, there are two more novellas and four short stories.


Omg, there's more stories?? THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!


@The_lost_flower  Thanks for the kind words about my work. Yes, I promise I will finish "Till A' the Seas" (two, maybe three, more chapters to to go.) I got a little blocked with that one, but there are several more stories in the same universe after that one, all complete or nearly complete, that I will post as soon as I finish TAtS--promise!


Hey @Squibstress ! I tag you to answer the following questions to publish in one of your books or in a separate tag book.
          ▪︎You must answer within the next few days or be cursed with bad luck for ten years.
          ▪︎You must tag 5 people with 10 questions of your own.
          1. What's your jean style (skinny, mom jeans etc)
          2. Would you rather discover a new element or find a new species?
          3. What's your favourite music genre?
          4. Favourite song?
          5. Favourite book you've written (Wattpad or not)?
          6. Favourite book you've read? 
          7. What's your favourite movie?
          8. Black or white?
          9. Where would you love to travel to?
          10. If you could become a stereotype for a day, which would be (jock, biker, nerd etc)?
          NOTE: Responses have to be written in a book and must include the questions asked.


@The_lost_flower Thanks for the tag! Don't have time to do this now, but later!


Courtesy message to all writers (and editors): Get yourself a copy of  Random House copy chief Benjamin Dryer's "Dreyer's English" and read it through in one sitting, as I did. Just having it on your shelf will probably make you a better writer.