ok so... i was reading this story that sorta kinda might have had some sort of tvd/to x the flash crossover. like the mc might have been a Bennett, but definitely a witch and something happened that made her move to star city and or maybe she was just became an adult and didn't want to be involved in all the mystic falls bs. she meets Barry and iris in jitters (the coffee shop) and I think that iris might have been working there and gave her a freebie and Barry was crushing on her. she got a job at the news/article job thing (idk what its called) as a reporter and has been living there for like a year or smth and Barry and her were gonna go and see the particle accelerator thingy and for some reason they didn't so they still hung out I think and Barry (or both of them were abut to be struck by the lightning thing and so the has to reveal that she is a witch by using her powers to make a force field thingy but cant hold it so they both pass out and that's all got. i didn't save it to my library like i thought i did and now in want to either reread or continue reading it whatever and i cannot find it. i cant remember any identifying names or things either just the plotline so idk where it is. please hepl if u acn. thx

@SquidtheNerfHerder https://weheartit.com/entry/211433739 Look at this website. It should have a post for a website and how to find a fanfic. If it doesn't work let me know and I'll type it all out. Good luck ☺️