
Heya to the lil gang of followers and readers my story has managed to gather!Sorry that my second novel "Storm of throes" has been idle for so long!Been a bit busy!I promise I'll  make it up for all the time you waited!Cuz I love you all.....!!!!Keep reading and I'd love to hear more from you!!


Heya to the lil gang of followers and readers my story has managed to gather!Sorry that my second novel "Storm of throes" has been idle for so long!Been a bit busy!I promise I'll  make it up for all the time you waited!Cuz I love you all.....!!!!Keep reading and I'd love to hear more from you!!


Hey ppl!!!
          The weather is pretty awesome here in Chennai and I wish from heaven on earth that I can spend it writing my story and sharing it with you guys.But...I got my boards and I am NOT studious.So,I won't be updating the story as frequently as before for the next three months!Sorry guys... :(