
I have a mindfulness journal that I open every once in a while to a random prompt and just start writing. The prompt I chose today wasn’t one I was expecting to hit me so hard, but I thought I would share with you what I wrote.
          	The prompt was: What have you overcome?
          	I have overcome depression, self harm, eating disorders, addiction and abuse. I have overcome bad days, broken bones, and bad relationships. I have overcome writers block and low motivation. I have overcome clutter, messes, and loneliness. I have overcome grief, disappointment, and self hatred. I have overcome inconveniences, failures, and tragedies. I am strong.
          	I realized by the end of this exercise that the purpose was to see with your own eyes everything you have lived through and realize you are strong. Being so caught up in your day to day you don’t realize the mountain you’ve climbed to get where you are. The book is called A Mindful Year by Emma Bastow for anyone interested.
          	What have you overcome?


I have a mindfulness journal that I open every once in a while to a random prompt and just start writing. The prompt I chose today wasn’t one I was expecting to hit me so hard, but I thought I would share with you what I wrote.
          The prompt was: What have you overcome?
          I have overcome depression, self harm, eating disorders, addiction and abuse. I have overcome bad days, broken bones, and bad relationships. I have overcome writers block and low motivation. I have overcome clutter, messes, and loneliness. I have overcome grief, disappointment, and self hatred. I have overcome inconveniences, failures, and tragedies. I am strong.
          I realized by the end of this exercise that the purpose was to see with your own eyes everything you have lived through and realize you are strong. Being so caught up in your day to day you don’t realize the mountain you’ve climbed to get where you are. The book is called A Mindful Year by Emma Bastow for anyone interested.
          What have you overcome?


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Hi how is everyone? I've been going through a bit of a shit time lately but its slowly getting better. Good music always helps me feel like I'm on top of the world. If you like indie pop/alternative/upbeat rock i suggest The happy Fit's song She Wants Me (To be Loved). It is making me happier and I hope it can make you feel happier too much love:)


Writing this here so i don’t forget but also so anyone who wants to knows what to look forward to in the future :)
          Fanfictions I want to write:
          Avatar the last airbender
          Attack on titan
          My hero Academia
          Ouran high school host club?
          Possibly another final fantasy 15?
          I feel like there was more… but if you have any one shot requests (even if i didnt write down the fandom here) i might do them if i know what it is




GUYS, please go check out my new fan fiction. It's about a video game called Final Fantasy 15!!! (The best video game ever-in my opinion at least) you don't necessarily NEED to play the game before you read it, I'll try my best to make it so people who have yet to play or have yet to finish the game, can still read it. Maybe at least read a summary of the game first? IDK bro but I'm so excited about it I cant even. Let me know how you like it!


@SatansWeeb you could always watch the “game movie” on youtube if you wanna know the story line (warning its like 5hrs long some of them are longer but the one that has everything you need to know whats going on is 5hrs long)  but playing it yourself is always more fun


@St0lenm0ments I'd like to pick it back up again, but I don't get to play often.


@SatansWeeb yeah at first i played a little bit into it and then didnt pick it back up for months, but once i did i couldnt put it down.