Hey Ashley(or as I knew you for 2 years of my life, Scarlet)! I love your work and Take Me and Take Me 2 were the first books I read on Wattpad. So what I want to say is that Thank you for sharing them with the world! Also I noticed that you stopped updating If We Ever Meet. Is something wrong? When will you be updating it again? Please don't tell me that you left Wattpad! As you may noticed that I'm not good with words, but I tried my best! I really really hope that we can become friends!:D -Day♥

Day, my goodness, I cannot believe the kindness of these beautiful words. I am so happy that you loved Take Me and Take Me 2, and no I am not gone from Wattpad. Just struggling to find the time to write. I will let you know when I continue to update or publish something new! I would love to be your friend! Much, much love! -Ashley ❤️