
Guy guys guys. I have an announcement. 
          	Dusty out. *pop*


I hope you're annoyed. I'm going to baffle you with really long words like Heterochromia iridium and matryoshka and transorbital and anthropomorphic personification (if you don't know what that is you should Google it because it's a really long word for something pretty simple XD) and I hope I have annoyed you because you were being evil spamming my message board and I hope your conscience is giving you hell though you're probably very pleased about it and I don't blame you because now I've got my own back I feel pretty good too even though I shouldn't and I'll probably feel guilty about it later but seeing as you're hardly ever on here you probably won't notice for about three months by which time I will have forgotten all about it and will laugh when you hunt me down in college purely for the crushing reason that I have littered your message board with a load of detrimental (?) stuff that I think you will have fun trying to decipher so for now seeing as I haven't taken a breath for this entire paragraph, *GAAAASSSSP* I'm going to say goodbye and because I think this is going to be a pretty big post.....
          WalkingInCircles out.
          ^_^ ha.