
It's been a while since I've been on here if Im honest and it may stay that way for a while, blnkhyung hasn't posted in ages and Im not confident enough to publish my own books. I will still come on every now and then but with my mocks in april and my exams next year, wattpad isn't mt first priority. However, if I can find the confidence to publish anything then I will because even though I know 'fix you' isn't mine and I got pretty much all my followers because of it I still like to write. So I will still be online every few days or so to keep up with messages and what not and feel free to message me even if it is just for the slightest thing, I respond to everyone even if it is criticism because it will help me to learn from mistakes :) 


@StarEclipes345 yah I just found her YouTube account but thanks tho especially for posting this on Wattpad I’m obsessed with this story 


@StronggPowerThankYou Yeah she actually deleted all the videos on her channel but she still posted some imagines shortly after so I can send you her insta acc if you want?? I dont know of she is active currently but there are imagine on there if you miss her writing!!


Hey luvies, i hope you are fine 
          So i just hoping if you check this book! It just started so writter need your guys help
          plz support her if you can, also you will not regret to read it. Its fun and knowledgeable. Thank you


no wonder I can't find it on yt anymore 


Hi I badly wanna read the part 2 of the FF FIX U. I super love the story 


@ StarEclipse345  too bad it was a permanent hiatus because her channel's deleted too :(


I wish I found out earlier....
            I hoped to see the fanfic I saw on YouTube long time ago now gone...
            At least it’s still in my memory 


@xoxoXHEIoxox It is really good!! I love the storyline which i why I wanted to remake it and another one of her fans noticed it and she contacted me, made my day honestly  I do have to let you know though if you do choose to read part 2 it wont be completed as she is on hiatus and we arent sure if it is temporary or permanent as she took down all of her youtube videos :(


It's been a while since I've been on here if Im honest and it may stay that way for a while, blnkhyung hasn't posted in ages and Im not confident enough to publish my own books. I will still come on every now and then but with my mocks in april and my exams next year, wattpad isn't mt first priority. However, if I can find the confidence to publish anything then I will because even though I know 'fix you' isn't mine and I got pretty much all my followers because of it I still like to write. So I will still be online every few days or so to keep up with messages and what not and feel free to message me even if it is just for the slightest thing, I respond to everyone even if it is criticism because it will help me to learn from mistakes :) 


@StarEclipes345 yah I just found her YouTube account but thanks tho especially for posting this on Wattpad I’m obsessed with this story 


@StronggPowerThankYou Yeah she actually deleted all the videos on her channel but she still posted some imagines shortly after so I can send you her insta acc if you want?? I dont know of she is active currently but there are imagine on there if you miss her writing!!


Hey demi!! It's me Ina from your ig friend. Idk if you remember me or not but I hope we still be friends, even though it's been already 2 months I guess? Btw, I hope you remember me and if you don't check your ig and search @nis12.13 becs I miss you and wanted to talk to you. So please Demi 


@YooxNis1213 I'm really sorry but I'm not demi  