Dear bullies,
The girl you made fun of because she has a scarf on her head, she has cancer.
The boy you pushed down the stairs today, he is abused at home.
The old man you made fun of cuz of his scars, he fought for our country.
The boy you told to kill himself, he committed suicide a minute ago.
The girl you called a slut in class today, she is being raped at home.
The girl you made fun of for being in a wheelchair, she jumped in front of a car to
save a little boy.
The girl you called fat, she is starving herself.
The girl you made fun of for having scars on her arms and wrist, she self-harms.
The boy you made fun of for crying, his mother and father are dying in a hospital
right now.
The girl you made fun of for having a cane, she is blind.
You think you know them but you really don't.
99% probably don't care but if you are the 1% that does, copy and paste this in your

That girl you just called fat? She
is overdose on diet pills. The girl
you just called ugly? She spent
hours putting makeup on. hoping
people will like her. The boy you
just tripped? He is abused enough at
home. See that man with ugly scars?
1--1e fought for his country. The guy
you just made fun of for crying? His
mother is dying. Put this on your
profile if you're against bullying. I
bet 95% of you won't put this on your
profile, but I'm sure the people with
a heart and a backbone will. Copy
and paste if you would stay up all
night to talk someone out of suicide.


  • JoinedApril 8, 2020