StarPaw2004, things got kind of crazy IRL. So sorry for not posting anyways new chapters will be out later today!


I have decided that there will be two series of River of Roses. So another Three books will launch when this one is complete! What are your thoughts on this? Also I want to give a small shout-out to two people!
          The first person is my very first reader and supporter!
          @Icestorm_ (Sorry if you did not want to be @ mentioned!)
          The second is to a music artist whom inspired the new plots for River of Roses! This goes to the musical artist Blixemi and her song I'm Not Fine, which is based on Alderpaw! 
          Thank you to all my followers for your support on my stories and helping me reach for the skies!


Just a heads up, If any of my followers would like to give my book a shout-out on their Conversations tab just message me! This is more of me asking for you guys to give my book a little push in readers! Thank you so very much!


CHAPTER 6 WAS JUST DROPPED! I know that the release will acquire some questions so I am here to answer a few scenarios for questions you may have!
          Q: What exactly happened?
          A: Rosefur was killed by Ivorypaw which led to the first part of their prophecy being fulfilled. 
          Q: Whom was Ivorypaw referring to when he said gray tail?
          A: He was referring to his brother Stone that was given to Clawclan in Chapter 2, Part 1 Rosefur.
          Q: Who narrates part 2?
          A: Lavenderpaw, Rosefur's eldest.
          Q: When was the prophecy first introduced?
          A: In the first book, River of Roses: New Beginnings , In A message from Clawclan. (I forgot the chapter number! SORRY!)
          Q: Who's legacy was betrayed?
          A: Ivorypelt's of course!
          That's it! Enjoy!


For in this sentence was meant to be of ( a few scenarios for questions you may have!)