
Okay, but listen: Trump is going to seriously mess up America over the next few years. He is not being a good president to all of America, only to a small part of it. People complaining about all of the marches and protests? Saying that others are just whining and should get over it? NO. Trump is threatening the lives of everyone who isn't a straight cis white male. Trump terrifies me. I am a bisexual teenage girl. I could get sent to conversion camp. I could be assaulted and then get punished, or have a biased courtroom, because I am female. One of my good friends is black. They could be discriminated against even more than they already are. Trump is not my president, nor is he anyone other than a cis straight white bigoted male. I don't feel safe in Trump's America. And I am terrified to see what he will do next. 


Okay, but listen: Trump is going to seriously mess up America over the next few years. He is not being a good president to all of America, only to a small part of it. People complaining about all of the marches and protests? Saying that others are just whining and should get over it? NO. Trump is threatening the lives of everyone who isn't a straight cis white male. Trump terrifies me. I am a bisexual teenage girl. I could get sent to conversion camp. I could be assaulted and then get punished, or have a biased courtroom, because I am female. One of my good friends is black. They could be discriminated against even more than they already are. Trump is not my president, nor is he anyone other than a cis straight white bigoted male. I don't feel safe in Trump's America. And I am terrified to see what he will do next.