
Hey guys. I know it's been nearly a month since I updated Sancha. I promise I am working on the next chapter, but it may take some time between writer's block and my class schedule for the semester. But don't worry. I think you guys will really like what's coming next.


Hey guys. I know it's been nearly a month since I updated Sancha. I promise I am working on the next chapter, but it may take some time between writer's block and my class schedule for the semester. But don't worry. I think you guys will really like what's coming next.


Hey guys. I had some writers block but finally got through and am working on the next chapter in Sancha. Uunfortunately, I have finals this week so I won't have as much time to devote to writing, but I hope that by next week, I wl have the next chapter up and will hopefully be able to update more regularly through December and January.


@StarTiger73 Take as much time as you need, and wishing you good luck on your finals!


If any of you guys are fans of Hazbin Hotel, you may have heard about this already, but in case you haven't, there's been a huge leak of season two content with major spoilers and the evidence suggests it's not fake. Try to avoid seeing these leaks (they are prominent on Tiktok, YouTube, and some other platforms).
          This has me really angry because people who do this stuff are ruining the experience for fans, sabotaging the creators and animators' efforts, and potentially creating major mistrust between the fans and the show's creators. It's just a huge lack of respect for the people making this show and for artists in general. And the fact that people are trying to profit off of it by scamming and claiming they can show people full episodes of season two makes it even worse. 
          On a more positive note, I'm making progress on the next chapter in Sancha: A Spirit Animal's Story, and I hope to finish and publish it by the end of this week (fingers crossed).


Sorry again about the writing incident. Whenever I get anxious or nervous about something, I sometime lose my common sense. 


Once I’m less busy that is. 


I can write down a movie version of it while the characters watch it. 


I heard about in my English class last month. Though, I’m having trouble finding out what Tarik will say in my story, so I’m a little confused about him. 


Just wanted to share a little message with everybody and make something clear. I don't mind if people are inspired to create stories by my own fanfiction works or if you want to write fanfiction for my works (I would appreciate being asked first and knowing what your plan for such a story is, and I probably would also suggest you wait till after a story is done, as that might make things easier on you). What I won't accept is plagiarism. If a fanfic is in part or entirely a near complete copy-paste of someone else's story, even with a few tiny modifications (name changes, or a few swapped words), and even if the original fic's writer is credited as an inspiration, it is still plagiarism. I know starting a story is difficult and it can be hard to figure out what to write, but only by doing that will you learn how, and uncovering your craft can be incredibly fulfilling as a writer.  
          P.s: if you find anyone on here or other platforms who is plagiarizing one of my stories (which includes making use of OCs without my permission, copying text directly from my chapters either in small portions or whole chapters, or essentially copying and pasting my work in with substituted names and a few tiny word changes), don't harass them, but do let me know, and allow me to handle it. Should I need help with anything, I will let you guys know.


Well said and it really sucks that stuff like this has to be reiterated. I’ve had the same problem in times past with people actively copying my plots, the order of events in my stories, and even using my characters without asking, to the point where other people were commenting in their books that it was exactly like mine and that author merely said oh well that’s interesting because I changed this one thing. And it’s like regardless if these are fanfictions which will never be published, it’s still not okay to plagiarize. Fanfic authors have to invent our own OCs and plot lines to make the fanfiction happen, and we certainly credit the actual authors and only take credit for our own additions. You can’t just copy and paste the actual book without getting into trouble. Fanfiction is showing a great love and appreciation for the pre-existing work. Plagiarism is showing blatant disrespect to the author and stealing something they worked very hard on


Those of you reading my Spirit Animals fanfic, if you've already read Chapter 40, you may want to briefly reread it as I altered the ending after realizing it didn't work well originally and needed to be changed. It's not a huge change (only the last few paragraphs), but I figured I might want to let you guys know so that when I eventually get the next chapter up, you guys don't read the beginning and get confused.


The next chapter of Sancha may be somewhat delayed as the ebook for Wild Born is unavailable on the app I use and my physical copy of the book has been misplaced (am trying to find it), and I don't want to resort to audiobooks as transcribing from those feels like it could be troublesome.
          It's frustrating because we're so close to covering Wild Born anyway (literally, there's only one to two more chapters in Sancha that will feature scenes directly from the book). Thankfully, we won't have such problems for books 2-5 as I own physical copies of all of them. I will have to resort to ebooks for 6 and 7 though, but hopefully they'll be available when I need them.


@Nightcat222 thanks. Will check it out


@StarTiger73  Have you tried You're gonna need to do a lot of clicking to get to the Arax fight, but it'll work. (Link: There are also a few PDFs available for download, but I can't say for sure if they're virus-free.


Chapter 40 of Sancha: a Spirit Animal's Story is done and published. Took longer than I had hoped.due to writer's block and my own high standards, but I like what I ended up with and I hope you guys will too.
          Also, R.I.P Maggie Smith. You will be missed.


Anybody have their published parts in their stories randomly mixed up out of order? This has been happening to me for a while with Sancha: A Spirit Animals Story and while I have kept rearranging chapters back it keeps happening. If you don't know what I mean, it's basically that you'll see Chapter 21 in between chapter 12 and 13 or Chapter 35 in between 27 and 28 and stuff like that. A while back I went in and numbered all the published parts so that people would be able to read them in order even if they got mixed up, but I wonder if there is a way to fix this cause it's not fair to readers and is confusing for people potentially and a hassle to reorder especially since it just ends up happening again.