
later on becomes Hope's husband after the events in Infinity War. Their wedding will probably take place in Wakanda, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. I think it'd be a beautiful wedding. 5. A few years after Thanos had been defeated, Hope and Bucky had a child, a daughter whom they called Winter. Their daughter would have some sort of power, similar to Wanda's, and is most likely to become an Avenger later on in her lifetime. I probably won't write A LOT about Winter because I'll be mainly focused on the canon things and not what happens after Infinity War. So, the first chapter on this story should be up in a few hours, possibly tomorrow afternoon. I hope you all are looking foward to this! Thanks! And I'm sorry if I stepped on your moment. ;)


later on becomes Hope's husband after the events in Infinity War. Their wedding will probably take place in Wakanda, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. I think it'd be a beautiful wedding. 5. A few years after Thanos had been defeated, Hope and Bucky had a child, a daughter whom they called Winter. Their daughter would have some sort of power, similar to Wanda's, and is most likely to become an Avenger later on in her lifetime. I probably won't write A LOT about Winter because I'll be mainly focused on the canon things and not what happens after Infinity War. So, the first chapter on this story should be up in a few hours, possibly tomorrow afternoon. I hope you all are looking foward to this! Thanks! And I'm sorry if I stepped on your moment. ;)


So...I have officially lost muse once again for Star Wars. But, I have gained muse for another certain universe I'm pretty sure you all know. I'm going to be writing a fanfic for the MCU (Marvel Climatic Universe). This story is going to include my own OC who goes under the name Hope Carter. She has three jobs. One of them is working as an  second assistant for Tony Stark, all up until the events of Civil War. The second job is being a therapist for whoever the Avengers believes needs it. One of her patients was Bucky Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier. Her third and final job is working for Tony Stark and Nick Fury, as she is an Avenger. This new story will take place during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, and Avengers: Infinity War. Here is a few fun facts about Hope. 1. Hope's father had died when she was only four or five years old. She never really knew him that well. 2. Before the events in Civil War, which drives them off, that is also why Hope thinks of Tony like he is her father. He taught her mostly everything she knows and has cared a lot about her over time. 3. Peter Parker is basically like her adopted son. She watched him the most when he was little and when Aunt May was gone. Peter refers to Hope as his 'Guardian Angel' because he feels as if God sent her to him to be his mother figure. 4. Hope falls in love with Bucky Barnes during the events of The Winter Soldier. Bucky has gained feelings for her too during this time, but both has decided to keep their feelings hidden. During the time period of Civil War, their feelings develope even more. When both of them finally decide to open up about each other's feelings, Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, catches them kissing, making him the only one who knows about thier relationship at the time. Tony, however, is not satisfied at the fact that both Bucky and Hope have grown too fond of each other, making him hate Bucky even more. Bucky //C.I.C/


Hello there! Yes, I did just quote Obi-Wan. Speaking of Obi-Wan, I have decided to make a prequel story! So, I'm going to give you a small description of my character and the book. Camille Amidala, Padme's younger sister, is the Queen and Senator of Coruscant. After hearing of what had happened with her sister and Darth Sidious' attempts to get to her and pry as much out of her about the Republic and the Rebellion as much as he can, she decided that she would travel to her sister and help her. But after she got in the way and became in the picture, Sidious wanted to interrogate the young Queen and politician too. Not too long after Camille's arrival, she meets the now known Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi. She then meets his padawan, Anakin Skywalker. I think you call get it. But that's basically the story. And it takes place during the events of Attack Of The Clones, so, yeah. I have so many ideas for this book and I can't wait to start writing! But that won't be till tomorrow night, so try to contain your excitement until then. Thanks! And May The Force Be With You!


Okay guys! Chapter 25 is up of 'The Galaxy We Live In'! I hope it isn't too sloppy, but if it is, my apologies. The next one will be much better. And for you Luke and Olivia shippers, don't worry. I have a fanfic coming up for them, along with a fanfic based on Han and Olivia, but it'll all fit into ANH, ESB, and ROTJ. Same with Luke and Olivia. Idk, I like both of the ships. I think both of them are non-toxic and either of them would make a fantastic couple. Luke and Olivia would be great together because of their kind heart and the fact that neither of them will give up hope on destroying the Galactic Empire. Han and Olivia would be amazing together because of their cockiness and their flirtatious attitudes. Not to mention that both of them know how to handle a blaster pretty well, even though Olivia's specialty is her new lightsaber. Point is is that neither of these couples are going anywhere! I have special plans for them both! And there may be a HanLeia fanfic in the works? I haven't decided yet. But it'll be probably next year before that one comes out. I have my mind set on these books at the moment. Thanks! May The Force Be With You All!


Hey everyone! I'm so so sorry for my absense. I've been super busy for the past few weeks, and yeah. But, finally, I'm getting some free time. And I have VERY important news to share!!! I rewatched the OT ((Original Trilogy)) of Star Wars, and I've decided to continue 'The Galaxy I Live In.' But, there will be some major changes made to it. So, the chapter I'm working on at the moment will be how Olivia gets captured once again and given back to Jabba. Then, after that, it'll be how she slowly developes feelings for Han. And Harrison will be playing Han, because there's only one TRUE Han Solo. Anyways, Olivia and Luke won't be leaving for long. I'm making a new fanfic for them too, along with a Han and Olivia fanfic that takes place during the OT. I hope you all love these books! May The Force Be With You All!


Guys, I promise I'll have Chapter 10 up later today. This week has been so hectic and it's just been hard to upload. But next week should be much easier and I should be much more active. I'm still working very hard on Chapter 10, but I'm also finishing up Chapter 1 of my new story! I promise you guys, you're going to love it. Thanks! May The Force Be With You All!


Hello everyone! Chapter 10 is almost done! It'll probably be uploaded tomorrow. The reason it hasn't been uploaded yet is because it's a REALLY long chapter. And the reason behind that is because it has all Han and Clara's story of how they escape Lady Proxima and then when Clara gets taken. But trust me, the wait should be worth it. If not, I apologize. But, I have other good news! Chapter 1 of my newest story should be uploaded in an hour or two! My brain is a bit too tired to complete the rest of Chapter 10. But don't think that I won't ever finish it, because I will! I love making that book and it's just so much fun to come up with the ideas! But, it's sort of the opposite for The Galaxy I Live In. More than likely, that book is going to get discontinued until further notice. And that may change. I just doubt it as of right now. But expect an update on The Scoundrel and The Smuggler in a few hours along with the first chapter of the newest book. Thanks guys! May The Force Be With You All!


Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that Chapter 10 is going to be uploaded in just a few hours. I hope you all like this chapter! On a unrelated note, Chapter 1 of my new book should be published in a few days! Exciting, right? And my apologies again for being so inactive. Thanks! May The Force Be With You All!