
New Star Wars story posted today! It's called "You Chose This Life (a Star Wars fanfic)". I'm super excited for this, so I hope you all will check it out, especially if you have read "The Lucky One (a Star Wars fanfic)" since some of those characters are in this one too! See you there :)


New Star Wars story posted today! It's called "You Chose This Life (a Star Wars fanfic)". I'm super excited for this, so I hope you all will check it out, especially if you have read "The Lucky One (a Star Wars fanfic)" since some of those characters are in this one too! See you there :)


So, this is something that I have been dreading doing for months, but I know that it has to be done. Normally, I don't publish a story until I have completed it, but I made an exception with "We're all a Little Lucky" since the first book is something very special to me. "The Lucky One" is what first got me to start writing, so I thought that I would feel the same motivation to write the second book, but, even though I hate to say it, I just don't have the drive anymore. Honestly, I hate promising you guys chapters and not delivering, so, even though it pains me to do this, I am going to unpublish "We're all a Little" until I finish the book. I hope that you all understand. Bye for now...


In case some of you are wondering why I haven't updated "We're all a Little Lucky" in so long, it is not because I plan on giving up on the story, in fact, that is one of the last things I would ever want to do. The main reason why updates are so infrequent is because of school. My schedule is much busier than it was last year, making it nearly impossible to find time to update. The other reason why is that if I ever get time to write, I spend it working on "The Lucky One". It has been quite a long time since I wrote a majority of those chapters, and because of that, they aren't very good in my opinion. I have learned so much about writing compared to when I first wrote those, so when I look at those old chapters, not only do I feel like I can do better, but I want them to be better, especially since it is becoming so popular. Guys, it's almost at one thousand views! Like, I don't even have the proper words to explain how grateful I am that you all not only read "The Lucky One", but also enjoy it. Thank you all so much, it literally means the world to me that so many people enjoy reading what I write. So, before this drags on for too long, once again, thank you all so much for your support, and until I can find time to work on "We're all a Little Lucky" (which probably won't be until I finish revising "The Lucky One". I am currently working on chapter 17, so hopefully that will be sometime soon.) there won't be many, if any, updates on "We're all a Little Lucky". Bye :)


Thanks for adding my Star Wars novel to your reading list!


@Mathias2000 Your novel was so great, it certainly deserves to be on a list of amazing stories! I enjoyed every moment that I spent reading it, you did a really nice job with the entire book, especially with making the characters so unique and memorable. I can't wait to read more of your stories in the future. 


My story "The Lucky One (a Star Wars fanfic)" has just reached over 100 views!!!! I want to thank you all so much for your continuous support, it really means a lot to me that I've made it this far. Thanks again everyone and I hope that I'll see you guys in another chapter of one of my books.