
Tales of series OCs that I have in mind if I ever make a story
          	Phantasia - Childhood friend of Cress and Chester, Fighter class, reincarnation of Female Dhaos's first friend and lover. (First part I was agreeing until the Female Dhaos part.)
          	- Became co parents with Ethos for Dio and Mel in the first and PSP X remake.
          	- Big brother figure with amnesia of Julio and Caro in 2 and 3.
          	Destiny - Reincarnated as Bacchus, Stahn's close friend, Lilith's future husband and Rimul's father, Swordsman.
          	Eternia - Childhood friends with the trio Reid, Farah, and Keele. Archer/Hunter.
          	Symphonia - Reincarnated as male version of Anna Irving, Swordsman, plus Female Kratos. (Could be something. I mean Anna being alive, able to transform between monster form and human form)
          	Rebirth - N/A
          	Legendia - N/A
          	Abyss - N/A
          	Innocence - Big brother of Ruca, Great Swordsman and Paladin.
          	Vesperia - N/A
          	Hearts - N/A
          	Graces - Amnesiac young boy similarly to Sophie, the humanoid robot boy formerly possessed by Lambda, swordsman.
          	Xillia - N/A
          	Zestiria - Immortal young grandpa (like Muramasa or Citlali) and teacher of Sorey and Mikleo.
          	- Immortal young grandpa's past before he became immortal. 2 versions. Both swordsmens. 
          	- First part is a childhood friend and sweetheart of Velvet, trained as a shepherd but he is actually a Malak. 
          	- Second part is Grandpa's younger self who is the original who awakes after the Malak part died and return with the half of the power to the original, who wants to get away from his cellmate Velvet but gets and bullied and dragged by her, who later regrets after learning the truth, to support her.
          	Arise - N/A


Tales of series OCs that I have in mind if I ever make a story
          Phantasia - Childhood friend of Cress and Chester, Fighter class, reincarnation of Female Dhaos's first friend and lover. (First part I was agreeing until the Female Dhaos part.)
          - Became co parents with Ethos for Dio and Mel in the first and PSP X remake.
          - Big brother figure with amnesia of Julio and Caro in 2 and 3.
          Destiny - Reincarnated as Bacchus, Stahn's close friend, Lilith's future husband and Rimul's father, Swordsman.
          Eternia - Childhood friends with the trio Reid, Farah, and Keele. Archer/Hunter.
          Symphonia - Reincarnated as male version of Anna Irving, Swordsman, plus Female Kratos. (Could be something. I mean Anna being alive, able to transform between monster form and human form)
          Rebirth - N/A
          Legendia - N/A
          Abyss - N/A
          Innocence - Big brother of Ruca, Great Swordsman and Paladin.
          Vesperia - N/A
          Hearts - N/A
          Graces - Amnesiac young boy similarly to Sophie, the humanoid robot boy formerly possessed by Lambda, swordsman.
          Xillia - N/A
          Zestiria - Immortal young grandpa (like Muramasa or Citlali) and teacher of Sorey and Mikleo.
          - Immortal young grandpa's past before he became immortal. 2 versions. Both swordsmens. 
          - First part is a childhood friend and sweetheart of Velvet, trained as a shepherd but he is actually a Malak. 
          - Second part is Grandpa's younger self who is the original who awakes after the Malak part died and return with the half of the power to the original, who wants to get away from his cellmate Velvet but gets and bullied and dragged by her, who later regrets after learning the truth, to support her.
          Arise - N/A


After reading some of my fire emblem stories except the latest book Aurelion... I kinda want to rewrite them.
          Options is that all the omc/Adrielle's can have different names to probably avoid confusion or any other reasons but it's up to you readers.
          Maybe adjust his growths and caps? I'll probably keep them there.
          In Awakening, I would keep like the custom class and access to all general class. Though, I'll probably dismiss the female Chrom and the harem ideas, but the options for you to keep it or not along with what gender Robin will be. Like if Male Robin, Adrielle would probably go with Olivia since she's my first wife in Awakening but who knows.
          I also plan to make 2 OC kids, one for this Adrielle and the other for the uhh *checking notes* Shadow Dragon Manakete Adrielle in FE1/12... Huh.
          Though, I plan like another prelude/premonition where uhh... A possiblity from the future where fully geared maxed-out Adrielle keeps the Risen from getting to the children who are going to the past and end up in series of fights against Risen versions of Shepherds commanded by Grima.
          In Fates, Adrielle's base class would be fighter or prepromoted Hero with Archer and Oni Savage as reclass options. Though you might have a better option? 
          Also this will be confusing but Male Corrin for Birthright and Female Corrin for Conquest (and Revelation). Why? To line up with the Heirs of Fate DLC maybe.
          For Three Houses, I plan to have Adrielle be Byleth's childhood friend and assistant teacher who also serve as substitute teacher. Probably starting with bows. I mean, Curved Shot and Point-Blank Volley amirite? Going Wyvern Lord!
          Though for Houses, I'll change the premise to being Shez's guardian and tactician. Not sure about the class... Sword and Magic... Mortal Savant and Holy Knight are good... Wyvern is still good... Yeah, not sure.
          In Engage, maybe still the same with highest growths. Maybe harem? Your choice. But he's not starting as a Lord, maybe you guys suggest.


Right, February... Yeah, still busy at school. But I can show something I was checking for old notes although I don't know if you'll like it.
          The room was dimly lit as I bolted upright, my chest rising and falling with ragged breaths. I clutched the silken sheets beneath me, confusion flooding my mind. I was not the Sombron I knew—I could feel it. My appearance was different: long slicked-back red hair, non-glowing orange eyes, and elf-like ears. My skin was pale but smooth, not the ashen hue I was familiar with. I was dressed in robes similar to Lumera’s—exposed upper body, red glowing appendages resembling demonic wings, and a scale-patterned robe.
          What the hell was going on?
          Before I could process, the door creaked open, and in stepped a woman—a beautiful, tear-streaked figure with silver-blue hair and gentle eyes. Not to mention her hourglass figure... Oh my goodness gracious... HER BIG. MOMMY. GODDESS. MILKERS! AND THOSE CHILD BEARING HIPS!!
          ...wait, LUMERA!?
          She dropped a tray in shock, her voice thick with relief as she rushed toward me. “My beloved! My love!” she sobbed, embracing me tightly.
          Wait a damn minute! She called me... Sombron... her love?
          Then two other figures appeared. A young girl with silver hair and purple eyes, and a familiar girl with blue and red hair—Veyle and Alear. Veyle hesitated, calling out, “P-Papa?”
          What the hell? My daughters—who were once pawns—were now crying out for me as their father. I barely registered the words leaving my mouth: "Who are you... all of you?"
          The room fell into silence, their faces shifting to shattered expressions.
          My nightmare was just beginning.
          If there's anyone to punish, it's Sombron! NOT ME!!!
          Yeah... It was a fire emblem engage story where MC reincarnated as Sombron but I don't know what I was writing back then and not sure how this book will go.


@Sakura5113 I'll try. Although that's just a part of like the first chapter or prologue, so I'll expand it some more.


@StarWaver You should make a story out of it. I like the summary trailer-ish.


Lunar Chinese New Years! So uhh... Still unable to update since I'm stuck between a general assembly and a quiz tomorrow, 2 F2F classes that is 4 hours apart gap in between the next day, and 1 class that is either f2f or online after that.
          And uhh... Not sure if I should write here or in another website with how Wattpad is now with their copyright system. For now, I'm busy today as well to...fold my hanged clothes, play games... just to take a break from school for a bit.


Damn... 2025 and no semester break so straight to 2nd semester.
          Hello everyone. Just tuning in and post some updates what's going on in my personal life... I fumbled in the final exams a bit... One is a website presentation and the other is a bank management system within a time limit of 1 hour and 30 minutes which ISN'T ENOUGH BY THE WAY!!! 
          ...and some true or false worth 3 points and... Got less half of them correct and have to count on my essay to make it on the passing grade. 
          And here I am, stuck with stress at the start of the first day in second semester without knowing if I have passed or not. Plus I have summer to worry in the future so no breaks or time to write stories... All wasted on studying and relieving stress through playing games.
          That' current situation. And probably continuing in the future as well. Again, sorry for those waiting for updates.


Don’t worry about it man focus on college and not stressing yourself out it’s your future after all 


@StarWaver i can understand your stress, back when i was in high school i stressed myself so badly to the point that i physically made myself pretty sick. there was a bunch of factors like school work, my surgeries, updating my books, updating my Youtube channel, etc. i learned the hard way, several times, to not overwork yourself or you will get yourself sick. so take as much time as you need and try to take some time for yourself. this isn’t healthy for you to stress yourself out so much.


So... Hi? I wanted to say Merry Christmas to all of you. 
          I have been busy with school and I am stuck with 3 course requirements of a website, a summarized research, and a compilation of submitted works... so I'm even more busy but I think I can make some time... 
          I might be out of my touch to write hence I have been reading some stuff... And I end up in the Blue Archive community from a friend for some reason and now I know some stuff that I take notes if I even want to write a Blue Archive story like with a male student with Halo and turn Abydos back into glory or 2 male students but the first one is an Abydos Student and dies while the other is the first one but lost his memories... 
          And I may have based it on my favorite Radiant Mythology games that the OC have spells and artes to work with but I'm contemplating... But I plan to make him a sniper rifle user to dual pistols as the Descender's classes have Hunter and Gunner. Archers hit targets far and the other is dual wielding 2 pistols or 1 pistol with a knife. And I kind of thinking maybe FN Ballista and maybe flintlocks...or 9mm pistols...not sure about the pistols.
          Also I have been playing some Pokerogue which made me grind a lot.
          Anyways, merry Christmas to all of you. I'll update once again if I'm available to update...or not. Not sure exactly as some of my stories are...not up to standards?


Hello again... November, huh? Currently, I have midterms to deal with next week but I will be more busier than ever due to the finals being able to use multiple forms, who finishes the program first to get the highest score, assignments and projects... Groupings... Summer class...
          A lot of things will happen so yeah...
          I also check the notifications. I will update when I can if I know what I'm doing.
          I'm also considering remaking or rewriting my neptunia book. Just the OCs/MCs will have powers and abilities of game characters like Damian has Sonic, Bayonetta, Vyse and more from Sega, or Geno has Kratos, Skyro, Cole, Dante, and more from PlayStation... All the while they can learn skills and stuff from other characters in Neptunia series... I haven't thought this through well enough.
          What do you think?


Damn, 2 months?
          Hi, so... I don't have excuses... College is really makes me busy and we just finished prelims. And... Some personal stuff like my parents come home from abroad for a month and go back... New house being built... And... I don't know what else...
          I played psp games again. I just finished the main story of Naruto Impact one, chapter 4 of 7th Dragon 2020 (plan to restart it for a better team), and the uhh... Queen's Blade game... I think at chapter...12? 
          In my list of games in my phone, I still haven't played the Fate Extra Perfect Patch, God Eater 2, and the... Trails of the Sky. Scratch the last one, I'm at the second town with the giant market building and I wanted to reset it since I got a little better understanding and I need to get the poison quartz from pirates?? There's also Persona 3 portable at the beach place.
          If anything, I have some ideas of stories for my second account that I have forgotten about. Anyway, I'll be 
          Well, that's all I have been going on in my life. While I could write bit by bit on Wednesday and Sunday, those serve as my rest and assignment days. So, I'll be busy...for a long time.


Maybe I should rewrite my fate books?
          Hi, so... I enrolled and found out second year starts in like 3 weeks. I think I have time to update while trying to enjoy last of this vacation. I'll start writing update on Saint book maybe tomorrow.


That would be nice I’ll look forward to it. Good luck in your second year. 