I am currently working on a book but it has not been posted yet. Sorry. :P

Hello! I am 14 years old. I have never written anything before but I always have story ideas swarming in my head, so I thought I could try to put them to use.

If you read my book(s), I will definitely read yours! Please leave comments so I can improve on my writing.

Now that we're past the informal introduction, I would like to say that if you follow me, I will promise to follow back. And I never break my promises. Ever. It's pretty much like the best thing about me. I will always stay true to my promises.

If you didn't know, I'm weird.

If you have read my bio down to here, I congratulate you.

♡Anime and Manga(FT, Say I Love You, Soul Eater, many more)
♡Books(Too many to even tell a quarter of the amount of books I have read)
♡Star vs the Forces of Evil
♡Steven Universe
♡Teen Titans (Not the Teen Titans Go crap, the original)
♡Marval & DC (But I lean more over to Marval, don't tell DC. Shh.)
♡Icecream and Doughnuts
♡Music (TØP, P!ATD, MCR, P!nk, Green Day & Linkin Park) Just to name a few. Or more than a few.

Wait, you're still reading? Ok then, get ready for the story of how I died.

Nah, I haven't gone six feet under yet. But emotionally, maybe.

Unlike most people I actually look forward to school during summer break. It's just so boring without school. Plus I don't really see any of my friends during the summer, as weird as that is. Well, except for one friend who just drops by my house whenever she feels like it without notifying me, which isn't very often. So without school I think I might die.

Oh yeah, that reminds me, I'm going into my first year of highschool this year in August! Yay!

Who's finally a freshman? This girl! *points thumbs at self*

If you have tips for me about highschool, I will gladly take them!

Otherwise, Star_Seer out.

Nah, I like it here. I think I'll stay a while longer.

  • JoinedJune 26, 2016

1 Reading List