


@Star_catcher37 Hello! Sorry again for being so late with responses (it's Samwell1000-I changed my name).
          We have to wait till APRIL! So SAD!
          I love the new Tardis! I think they're dipping more into the budget, because things seem very high tech now. I like it, it shows a good dynamic between the Doctor before and the Doctor now.
          I loved the hidden in the sky part but I hope they don't use it a lot- I think episodes where the Tardis is a key thing on the planet are really good. (Like in the Satan Pit way back with Tennant)
          I have shipped them as well-especially when Clara was dying (sounds wrong) but he was so worried and sweet-it broke my heart.
          I liked the scrooge Doctor! I hope he's not so depressed all the time but after what happened to (in my thoughts the closest partner since Rose if not closer) Amy it makes sense for him to be so... depressed. I loved his clothes, the top hat especially, but I still love his bow tie the most.
          If you notice (I've recently started watching Sherlock which has Steven Moffat as well) Steven Moffat really likes darker hues. Comparing Tennant to Smith then to Sherlock the cinematography goes from very bright and cheesy to dark and mysterious-which is a good turn because the galaxy (and murder mysteries) are dark and mysterious things. It's all beautiful and stunning, the clothes, the scenery, the snow. I especially thought the big snow globe that held the memories was very cool. 
          Vastra and Jenny I feel are loyal companions-BUT, I feel like they should be a little bit more dangerous. The one word test was brilliant. The script was very good. 
          I wonder how River will fit into all of this?
          I did get the references-I wonder what tricks they've got up their sleeve?
          Oh my god, I always think about that when someone's talking about Hitler-I keep my mouth shut though because most people are like "Whaaat?"
          They were fantastic-I miss them dearly. My birthdays not far along though so I'm excited for that. Anything exciting with you?


@Samwell1000 I KNOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!
          I was like "please-don't-ship-it-please-don't-ship-it" but from the moment she said "Doctor? Doctor who?" I gave up xD
          The new TARDIS is so retro! And so blue! And smaller! It perfectly represents how devastated he was losing his best friends. It's like they were his last thread.
          Is it just me or was Scrooge!Doctor kinda really awesome? xD I loved his clothes and the beat up hat and the way he kinda bends over when he walks instead of tripping all over himself and the taller-on-the-inside staircase and AHHH!
          It was visually stunning, tooo. I could talk for ages about how he never finished cleaning the TARDIS and that bigger-on-the-inside shot when they walk into it and how gorgeous the Victorian costumes were.
          Also Clara's little barmaid/governess thing. And her chemistry with the Doctor, like you said. And all the Sherlock Holmes stuff.  And THE WHOLE ENTIRE SCRIPT.
           Vastra and Jenny were awesome, too. But I kinda think their potential was wasted cuz they were so outshadowed by Clara and the Doctor. THE ONE WORD TEST! AWESOME! And he was wearing Amy's glasses! (*sobs*)
          Oh, Rory. He was the only companion that didn't get starry eyed and realized how dangerous the Doctor could be
          I KNOW! I'M ALL CONFLICTED! I ship him with Clara AND River! :(
          (And did you get all the rose references? Foreshadowing?)
          Ooh! I'm learning about the Holocaust at school and the first thing I thought was River saying "Well. I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled, when I suddenly thought, "Gosh. The Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Führer." Who's with me?" xD
          Hope your holidays were awesome! And now back to busybusy school schedule :(


          I LOVED IT!
          I loved his chemistry with Clara, I love his Tardis upgrade (though I hope they don't use that often), I love how he was kind of in love with her, I love his character development, it was fantastic!
          I was a little surprised to see the two women (lizard girl and "jane eyre" I don't remember their real names) to be in it. It surprised me. 
          I loved the whole POND thing too. That was good. 
          Rory was very very much a comic relief in the first episode. I never thought he'd grow to be a detrimental character. I kind of expected him to be another Mickey-and I HATED Mickey. Then he grew up and grew to be loved by the Doctor (not as much as he loved Amy) but The Doctor actually cared about a side partner which is new, he was amazing. 
          I never saw that before! I didn't know that, but I am excited that it's dedicated to the ship. Though, I love them together (I've seen a few pictures and they're hilariously awesome) I don't think I can get over it. I love him and River (even though River looks a wee too old for the young Matt Smith) I love them during the show-though the problem is, is that I also love him and Clara. He's very sweet and compassionate to her and it made my heart melt when she was dying. 
          "I used to help the universe, and I thought I deserved something. Then I learned that the universe doesn't care". (Something like that) that made me sad, I wanted to cry. 
          I am re-watching all of the Doctor Who's with a friend of mine, and we just made it past Satan's Pit in Tennant. We're nearing the end of Rose, it's sad all over again! I wish we were further though. I watched (on my own) the episodes where you find out River is Amy and Rory's daughter and "Let's Kill Hitler" which is one of my favorites. It's been good. 
          I can't believe it's not coming back on till APRIL. APRIL!!! SO far away!
          I hope you were able to watch it! I also hope you had the merriest Christmas and a wonderful new year!
          So long! Have an AWESOME weekend :)