This is silly, but I just wanted to tell you some great news..... I've been accepted into university!
Reading Lists
This is silly, but I just wanted to tell you some great news..... I've been accepted into university!
This is silly, but I just wanted to tell you some great news..... I've been accepted into university!
I swear fanfics can have some comedy gold, I remember back when I was in the Haikyuu fandom I read fic where one of the tall characters saw Hinata pissed. He was like... "Should I apologize? Nah, isn't there a saying that says that the reason why short people are always angry is because they're closer to hell?" 5 years later and this still kills me.
Maybe it wasn't the best Idea to play P5 when I am horrid at stealth games . But halfway through the first palace and I got 9 days left, let's be positive! (ngl I kinda wasted the first few days cause I had no idea how the stealth controls worked so I fought everything wasting my SP too quickly.)
I was right about Bennet luck at me now, this was by far the worst week I've had in a while.
@StarbrightHuntress Sorry that you have been having such a bad week! I hope that it gets better from there and that you will have better luck in the future!
Wtf is my luck... I won 3 50/50's a row I got Yelan (50ish pity), then Kazuha in three random ass pulls the his weapon in the first ten pull (0 pity for both)... I fear I might gain Bennets luck for the rest of the year.
Hello sis, I'm interested in the story you wrote after translating some of your story synopses. Can I translate it and republish it? of course by writing that this is your work and with your permission. 
@ StarbrightHuntress Brother, I just finished the translation. And I don't know how to send the link : )
@ StarbrightHuntress Thank you sis! I'm just about to translate it, so it might take a while to publish it.
@seleno_selena Sure, I don't mind. Can you link it though, someone translated it into Russian at one point and I put the link the description for people to read. I want to the same in this case.
There is nothing more awkward than your mom calling ur younger sibling six times to come downstairs: no answer and then you call the once and they yell "coming!". Idek why I feel guilty.
@StarbrightHuntress I know how that feels. but in reverse. I could call a milion times and my sibling will hear nothing, but mom calls once and they are answering. Don't feel bad. It's not like you told them to ignore your mom, so therefore its not your fault.
@StarbrightHuntress I think you’re lucky my little siblings would curse me if I yelled at them
Guys guys it's happening! ORV IS GETTING AN ANIME! We get to see animated Kim Dokja!
@StarbrightHuntress hoping we get the big three! Cale, Yoonjin, and Dokja all deserve it
@StarbrightHuntress I knowwwwww, I wonder which person will be his va ♥️ so Excited for it
Guess who's back from EOC's AP Exams and ready to update everything?! Really dumb thing to announce, but I am happy to be back in the app.
I'm so glad to be back! :') already working on Rising General. Started a new fic on ao3 that I just moved to Wattpad and ready to have so much fun!
Guys this is kind of stupid, but I started playing Genshin Impact an month ago and yesterday a I did two ten pulls and got Nahida and like 3 copies of Noelle I'm do happy!
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