
Hi there! Thanks so much for following me and voting on my two Total Drama Fanfictions. I’m glad that you seemed to like them both based on the comments that I read. I plan on getting back into updating again once I’ve finished up hel-....I mean my college work. I’m taking the summer semester off so I’ll have plenty of free time! If you don’t mind me asking, I would like to know what you liked about my fanfictions and your thoughts on the OC cast. Thanks. 


@ DarkWitch1999  update! I don't think that You will use mal, but... His "aparition" was better than the whole season all stars.


@ DarkWitch1999  ok, i understand that.
            Well... I like the originality and for me the characters are interesting. And i really like how You make the ocs interact with any characters. In all the ff that i read, the oc interact with just 1/2 characters besides the crush/boyfriend or the teammates.
            Long story short, your books are really good and i'm glad that You want to continue them. You know, on wattpad the "good" storys with all the clichee? possible are allways very popular, and the originality/good grammar/a better interaction with the characters are just there with 20★ max, or abandoned.


Mersi de follow ^^


@lucyheart777 mă bucur că îţi place şi voi ţine cont de ce mi-ai zis..app mersi şi pentru voturi, mă ajuţi mult ^^
            Ps: i-am mulţumit ^^


@ Just_let_die   cu plăcere, chiar îmi place cartea
            Să-i mulțumești lui MVRIAN:)


Hei! Am aruncat o privire pe profilul tău și cred că ți-ar plăcea cartea pe care o scriu.
          Am o mare rugăminte la adresa ta, dacă îmi permiți : ai putea contribui cu o părere sinceră despre cartea mea?
          Îți mulțumesc de pe acum.
          Cu drag, Diana