
Oh! Yeah! To those of you who don't know, I'm back! And hopefully that isn't a lie! But.. I'm back! I know I'm not popular or anything.. but my art has improved since the months.. So.. I'm a little happy about that.. I think.. Idk.. But.. I really love the support you all have gave me when I was here and didn't let go.. but things and ye.. for how much have seen and read.. And voted and commented.. It makes me happy.. And I'm sorry for the fact I left without any warning.. Just.. problems if none of you have read the new stuff I posted in my "book". Yeee.. Oki.. I think this is getting a little long.. so.. I'ma end it here.. hopefully I'll post sooner or later.. or tomorrow.. depends.. Oki.. cya guys later!! UwU


OK! SO.. THIS IS MY NEW ACCOUNT!! THIS ONE!! RIGHT HERE!!! I AM STARFIRECAT2.. BUT WITH A NEW ACCOUNT!! I AM MORE ACTIVE AND I FOLLWED ALL THE PEOPLE MY OLD ACCOUNT WAS FOLLOWING.. BUT NOW..! I AM BACK...!! HELLO TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS ONCE AGAIN!!!! And now this message will be a notification to my tablet.. soooo.. this is awkward for myself.. TwT hehe.. oki.. cya all later or sooner


Oh! Yeah! To those of you who don't know, I'm back! And hopefully that isn't a lie! But.. I'm back! I know I'm not popular or anything.. but my art has improved since the months.. So.. I'm a little happy about that.. I think.. Idk.. But.. I really love the support you all have gave me when I was here and didn't let go.. but things and ye.. for how much have seen and read.. And voted and commented.. It makes me happy.. And I'm sorry for the fact I left without any warning.. Just.. problems if none of you have read the new stuff I posted in my "book". Yeee.. Oki.. I think this is getting a little long.. so.. I'ma end it here.. hopefully I'll post sooner or later.. or tomorrow.. depends.. Oki.. cya guys later!! UwU


A long time ago I realized that I have Social Anxiety.... Maybe that is the reason why I can't really talk to people or be near a lot of people in public....... I figured it out by a wallpaper on my phone.... I never knew the meaning of it until that one wallpaper.... It's crazy to think that... I have Social Anxiety.... I should have known because my mom does too.... But not as much as me.... I'm tired of being the only ODD sibling out of my entire family.... I have suicidal thoughts..... And that was probably passed down from my dads uncles and cousins.... I'm just tired of living like this.... I wanna change.... I wanna be a NORMAL person.... I don't want to be a failure in life... I wanna be able to talk to people... I don't wanna think I'm depressed.... My aunt thinks she's depressed, so maybe that passed down onto me.... Is there anyway to change my thinking? I don't know.... My dad is trying to help me get out of thinking I am worthless... But every attempt he tried seemed to fail... I just wanna be a normal person in the world.... 
          Enough of me randomly talking about how I feel... No one cares anyway....


Chu still alive there?  QvQ I miss you-


Well, yesterday was horrible! I was wearing a f-ing crop top and some random boys started pointing at me and saying that I was f-ing gay! I'm a damn girl! Not a boy! People need to stop assuming my gender! I told them that I was a girl and then they started to say that I was lesbian...  Come on, I don't even have a crush yet! Has anyone else had that experience? Am I the only one or... No?


@GaleBarretto5 oh, I'm boyish too, but... I might have left out that my friend told me to do it so then a boy could hit on me... My friend is weird....


@StarfireCat2 still havent experienced that but lets just say im Boyish 


For any unknown reason, I have a question... Why does friendship suck in real life?! I mean like, on social media, you can have BETTER friends! How does that even work!? On social media, you can have friends that don't judge you and in real life, people can say whatever the heck they want! I don't know, it's probably just me who has that type of question... Anyway, sorry for wasting your time on reading this piece of crap! Have a great Day/Night~! 


@StarfireCat2 well not disorder I'm just horror afi to talk to people... btw I don't actually go to school I'm home schooled i can't read very good nor right....


@StarfireCat2 Sometimes no sometimes yes.  


            Oh, I never knew that you have social anxiety... It must e hard to trust people online... Wait... Is it hard to trust some people online?


I'm slowly crying inside... I start school on the 4th and I can't go to sleep... =^=`` someone plz kill me... *Sigh* Idk wut else to do... I'm not smart, so I don't think I'll be able to be in the sport I want to be in the most... Track... I run really fast... Well, that's what my parents and friends told me... I ran one time and my mom time it... It was about, 43 seconds to go around my whole backyard... Welp! I'mma die on the 4th. Also, I have a new book called, "Ask! Truth! Dare! Cuphead x Bendy, Mugman x Boris, and Oswald x Felix. I was hoping for some people to come and join since there is no one except for me rn... QwQ. I'm so lonely... Anyway... That's all I have to say and complain about... QvQ. Text when someone answers!