HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE ... Hello everyone !!!!!!! Guess what I got for you ? You guessed it !!!! MORE DARES !!!!!!!!!!!!
Scrouge - I am your worst nightmare !!!!! I dare you to do EVERYTHING Mars tells ya
Shadow - I dare ya to let Mars hypnotize you XD
* gives Mars hypnotist stuff *
Mars - Hehehehehehehehehehehe ... * sing - song voice * ... Mars I got a present for you ... * hands over a bunch of explosives * Be a dear and blow Scrouge and Shadow's houses up for me please XD ( I fun arnt I ? )
Sonic - You. Amy. Tango. NOW !!!!!!
Everyone else gets a treat ! Now bon appetite mes amies !!!
* snaps fingers, cookies and treats appear in front of them *
Until next time my friends !!!!!! Bai !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD