
New story is here, prologue will be published later this week. Hang onto your hats, this is gonna be a wild ride.


A new book will be releasing tomorrow… 
          It’s from a popular tv show, one I’ve very much been looking forward to start in. 
          And well, what can I say. I just really like zombies.
          Ah, but they’re not called zombies in this media are they?
          No… Walkers!


@Stargaryen1 Oooh this is interesting, I wonder which actor will play as the oc character


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, folks. It’s been a long year and we’re close to heading into 2025. I know I’ve been quiet for the last few months, for that I’ve been busy with work and my general life. But going into the next year I’m planning on writing again. On the first week of January a new book will be published and another journey will begin.
          I am still focusing on my Resident Evil book for any readers wondering, It’s just been slow going. A chapter will be out in the next couple weeks, since I’ve been hard at work getting it done. Writer’s block and general motivation held me back.
          Anyway, hope you all have a great Christmas and I’ll see you guys in 2025! 


Merry Christmas, I hope you are doing well and don’t stress yourself about the writing, living your live is more important. Happy Holidays 


Hi @Stargaryen1 just checking in to see how your doing hope everything’s fine also just checking in on the progress of the stark reader book and just gonna throw some names out there that was in the books I know of that wasn’t used in the show and those three were ashara dayne the fandom seems split on wether she’s truly dead or not and then other two are arianne martell and asha Greyjoy kind of hoping it’s asha Greyjoy whose the love interest for the reader as I’ve seen plenty of arianne martell love interest stories and some ashara dayne ones but never seen one asha Greyjoy one and I thinks she’s kind of a cool character and I can see her switching sides from the Greyjoy’s to the starks to be with the reader and she’s better than Yara  Greyjoy which was meant to be her which I never got to be honest when I read that  but it’s your choice obviously just saying it would be cool