
this message may be offensive
          	Lol, your girl has been MIA for so long. I literally have been all over the whole fucking world by now. Not literally. I went to NY to attend college there. It was fantastic for a year, but I got the worst concussion ever, failed two classes, lost my scholarship and had an existential crisis. Like wtf do you do when you fail out of college?
          	Then, I realized I'm not some helpless little bitch who cries about her misfortunes (at least not for more than one day), so I applied to med school in Slovakia. 
          	Your girl is now the class representative of my class of medical students in Slovakia. I'll be their rep the next 6 years, since that's how long the education is here. Also, I'm almost done with one year which is SICKKKK! Scary tho. In five years Imma be treating patients. Possibly in less time since I can work as a family doctor during the summer as of my 5th year.
          	Anyhow, it's a wild world my dudes. Fail college (and go to jail for a solid 17 hrs) then get accepted into medical school not even ten hrs after getting outta that jail. Mind-blowing. 
          	ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!!! 
          	I'll try to update stuff a little more frequently, depending on how much time I'll have. But the people that actually know me, know that I suck at keeping this "promise". I'm still really sorry about being such an annoying twat. I still love you all, though!!! ALWAYS WILL! Writing has and will always be my therapy, so even though I don't post that much, I actually write a lot... I just don't publish much of it anymore because I feel like I might make a slight change on my Wattpad account! Sorry! Plz don't hate me. 
          	We'll see what happens, I'm as curious as everyone else since I never really plan ahead. I just go with the flow!
          	Peace, bromigos.


@ElienvV 1 year later and I’ve just seen this... I’m doing quite well! On my 3rd year of medical school so I’m almost half way there 
          	  How are you??


@ Daggary98  how are you now?


@ Daggary98  wooow you have been through a lot! Glad to read you're ok.


this message may be offensive
          Lol, your girl has been MIA for so long. I literally have been all over the whole fucking world by now. Not literally. I went to NY to attend college there. It was fantastic for a year, but I got the worst concussion ever, failed two classes, lost my scholarship and had an existential crisis. Like wtf do you do when you fail out of college?
          Then, I realized I'm not some helpless little bitch who cries about her misfortunes (at least not for more than one day), so I applied to med school in Slovakia. 
          Your girl is now the class representative of my class of medical students in Slovakia. I'll be their rep the next 6 years, since that's how long the education is here. Also, I'm almost done with one year which is SICKKKK! Scary tho. In five years Imma be treating patients. Possibly in less time since I can work as a family doctor during the summer as of my 5th year.
          Anyhow, it's a wild world my dudes. Fail college (and go to jail for a solid 17 hrs) then get accepted into medical school not even ten hrs after getting outta that jail. Mind-blowing. 
          I'll try to update stuff a little more frequently, depending on how much time I'll have. But the people that actually know me, know that I suck at keeping this "promise". I'm still really sorry about being such an annoying twat. I still love you all, though!!! ALWAYS WILL! Writing has and will always be my therapy, so even though I don't post that much, I actually write a lot... I just don't publish much of it anymore because I feel like I might make a slight change on my Wattpad account! Sorry! Plz don't hate me. 
          We'll see what happens, I'm as curious as everyone else since I never really plan ahead. I just go with the flow!
          Peace, bromigos.


@ElienvV 1 year later and I’ve just seen this... I’m doing quite well! On my 3rd year of medical school so I’m almost half way there 
            How are you??


@ Daggary98  how are you now?


@ Daggary98  wooow you have been through a lot! Glad to read you're ok.


NEW STORY! Selfless! 
          Please give it a chance ;)
          It's about the bad boy falling and having his heart broken way before the girl is even aware so I hope you allll like it 
          I will update that one twice a week since it's actually already done  It's 20 chapters so not too long and so please please please give it some love! 
          I've been pretty inactive but I have actually been working on a lot of stories for you, my loves! It will all come together soon ❤️
          Lots of love
          -Dagný xx


Hiii, i was wondering when will u update 'Back in the spotlight'? 


Updated it today instead of tomorrow 


I will do it on Thursday hopefully. I'm currently dealing with finals and since I'm an impatient person I cursed myself by taking 10 large and advanced classes this semester xD So I've literally not been doing anything except studying since like the beginning of September. 
            I am however looking forward to spending my holidays now doing the things I love the most: read and write ❤️ 
            Thank you for the patience though! ❤️❤️


So I've sort of decided I'll work on two stories now until new years, I've been thinking about this a lot for a while now, so I'd really like if you all gave me a private message on what story you'd like me to update :) I'll try to put up about a chapter or two every week ^^
          I'll leave the "voting" open until Sunday and the majority wins, alright!? :P 
          Just send me a message and you can all also give me suggestions on what you want next in the story if there's anything you want to see, I'll take everything into consideration and to be honest, a lot of you have helped me with a lot of my writing, especially when you show me support and I'm super sorry for disappointing you all with my lousy updates o.O 
          Just want you all to know that I love you all LOADS! You have no idea how much you all have truly done for me, so thank you <3
          AND ASDFGHJKL 888 FOLLOWERS!? 8 is my lucky number, also my favorite x) Cos if you put it on the side it stands for eternity or forever and that is how long I will love you guys ^^


I would love if you updated 'Alone' I only started reading it today and I'm hooked it's an amazing story and I can't wait to read more !