
Hey guys, so I've decided to rewrite Love and War. I didn't like how it was turning out. The new story is called Hidden Secrets, it'll have the characters from L&W in it as well as some new ones. I'm excited for this and can't wait to see how it will turn out! So go ahead and read it, tell me what you think! 


Hey guys, so I've decided to rewrite Love and War. I didn't like how it was turning out. The new story is called Hidden Secrets, it'll have the characters from L&W in it as well as some new ones. I'm excited for this and can't wait to see how it will turn out! So go ahead and read it, tell me what you think! 


Chapter 6 is finally up YAY :D I'm sorry for the long wait, it's just, life got in the way. Well anyways tell me what you think, comments help :) it's around 4 am here so I'm going to get some good night's rest. Ch. 7 should be up as soon as I get it ready haha. comment, comment, comment. It'll help me write :) ttyl


Hey guys, guess what! I'm almost done with ch. 6! I'm sorry for not updating when I promised, but life's been hectic lately. It's just I started a new class at school about 2 weeks ago and I'm stressing out alittle because I have to catch up with everyone before finales which are in May. But the good news is that it's spring break and I've made it my goal to update before school starts back up. I'm so excited for you to read it. It's about 12 pgs. in Word so far! :) ttyl


Hey guys, I know you might be mad at me for not updating sooner, but lifes been hectic. Good news is that I'm more than half way done with ch. 6 so expect a L&W upload later on tonight or some time this week.I say "some time" due to school and homework. I'm very excited about this chap. I think you'll be happy :) Well cheers.


Expect a new chap. By tomorrow :) almost done with it, it'll be one to not miss, I'll finally be telling y'all what happened in the palace all those years before Claira, Jacob, Preston, and Brice's lifetime...So get EXCITED :D well it's like 1:40 here so I'm gonna get some sleep so good night/morning!


Yay! I got a new laptop...and before christmas :D You know what that means....I'm back!!!! I'm so happy, could you tell haha. Well any ways ya'll will have to wait alittle longer for a L&W update, I need to install Word and somehow transfer my files from my old laptop to this one...but once I do that, hello update :) TTYL


Hiya fans :) first of all thanks to all of you that have fanned me recently, it really means alot :D....and second, I have good and bad news......the good news is that I have decided to keep writing L&W!!! I have lots of surprises planned for it :).....the bad news is I'm putting it on hold for awhile because my laptop broke :( I'm on my iPod now, but I promise to update as soon as I can (I'm hoping I get a new laptop for Christmas :)) ttyl