
Announcement: DETECTIVE'S MÍTUÁN: Volume 1 - Chapter 2: Murder-suicide letter! You can read it here:
          	Again, I'm very sorry about the lack of updates. I'm extremely busy at the moment so I don't have any time to think about this at all. I can't make any promises about updating any chapter for some time. But thank you for reading my stories, it really lift up my spirit and allowed me to finish this chapter. Thank you again <3


Announcement: DETECTIVE'S MÍTUÁN: Volume 1 - Chapter 2: Murder-suicide letter! You can read it here:

          Again, I'm very sorry about the lack of updates. I'm extremely busy at the moment so I don't have any time to think about this at all. I can't make any promises about updating any chapter for some time. But thank you for reading my stories, it really lift up my spirit and allowed me to finish this chapter. Thank you again <3


Hello, it's been a while, hasn't it? I've been extremely busy and I'm sorry for that. I'll try to update the Detective's Mítuán and SNBAPPSSP probably... tomorrow? I'm not making promises but I'll try. Thank you very much for understanding.
          Take note that I didn't left wattpad. I just took a break. I will finish my current stories and I will publish some other stories soon.❤️


Announcement: Story uploaded titled DETECTIVE'S MÍTUÁN: Volume 1! For all mystery geeks out there, you can read it here: 

          Just a quick reminder that this story will be in a bit of a traffic of uploading since I will be very busy for this upcoming month. Though I will try to entertain you guys by uploading. Thank you for understanding and  Happy Reading <3


By the way, I know I still haven't finished my other story which is SNBAPPSSP. And I will try to finish this, but I just don't think I don't have any time. So I tried making another story which I hope you guys will be entertained with. I'm sorry and thank you again for being patient <3