
Does anyone want me to do a Q and A book? If so, can you leave some questions down below? 


Dear StarlightRoae113,
          I'm not sure you know me but-- i hope your day filled with sunshine and rainbow(๑・ω-)~♥
          Always remember that you're amazing and worthy! 
          "keep going, because you didn't come this far just to come this far, but don't forget to take a moment to appreciate how far you've come"
          Love, wolfiegers ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ


"There's something strange going on to the south of here. It's been messing with my magic for the last few days," The dark skinned female said, looking at you with her sliver blue eyes. 
               Her cloak coverd most of her body and her hood covering her head, making it hard to see most of her face. Her cloak also made her twice her size. 


Do you want to go...... 
                 Out on a date with me? 


@QueenGarnet113 It doesn't matter. ~(UwU)~


          Once you get this reward, you are meant to post this onto 8 other people’s walls. If you break this chain, nothing will happen. But it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out!


Yo guys, guess what?
            I came out to my Theatre Arts Teacher about me being bisexual. She was the only Teacher I told because she's also part of the Lgbtq community. I was legit crying at first because I didn't know what she was going to say after that.Then I started to laugh because she told me she was also Bisexual and understand what I was going through. After a few hot seconds of talking, my nose started to bleed heavily. 
             ~So yeah, that was my coming out story :)~


            // Interesting story, good one though! Congratualations! 