Hi guys, it’s been a really long time since i’ve been on here cause I kinda quit writing on here but for the longest time I’ve been wanting to again cause I have so much inspiration. Btw I was previously PastelGen22 on here, Im the author of Dear Neighbor Boy. Anyways, I don’t really know if anyone is gonna see this but just in case, because I had gotten some people asking after my last book when I’d release another one, I want to let you guys know that Im starting another one soon! It’s not related to Dear Neighbor Boy so I’m sorry if that’s disappointing but I’m really excited about this one! I want to fully work out the plot and characters and everything before I start publishing anything just to make sure the story is at its full potential story-wise and writing-wise. I don’t know exactly when I’ll start posting it but this is just a heads up that something new is coming from me. Anyways thank you all for still reading Dear Neighbor Boy! I hope at least someone out there will be as excited as I am for this! :)