
Ok so like you guys knowhow said i was gonna make a Eishi x OC but i think i'm gonna make it into a BTS fanfic because like why nott??? I just been thinking that I want to strt writing that again. So yeah i might delete all my works because I wanna start from stratch!!


Ok so like you guys knowhow said i was gonna make a Eishi x OC but i think i'm gonna make it into a BTS fanfic because like why nott??? I just been thinking that I want to strt writing that again. So yeah i might delete all my works because I wanna start from stratch!!


You ever get the feeling, whenever you read a book it just inspires you. "Like omg that's good, I wanna try something like that." Yeah I'm getting that feeling, there is so many writers on here and it's just great some of them, I'm waiting for new chapters but that's fine. I can wait, and we'll I may or may have not make an Eishi Tsukasa x OC. It will be my first ever in making an OC in writing. So I really do hope I'll be able upload more chapters. I just get sometimes lost on what do next. But I'll make sure to come up with plot first then start working on the book. But I hope you guys can wait till then. It may come it this month or next month. Since I'm almost finished with this school year. I'll able to start writing more. Well till then see ya!! Make sure you stay healthy!!  


I may have messed up on this message I didn't really check it before I posted. But if it doesn't make sense, I hope it doesn't bother you guys.


Hey guys well, sadly I will not be continuing I'm Here, aka my Oikawa fanfic. I will be working on another fanfic it will be a AOT fanfic. (Attack on Titan) This time I will post the parts once the whole story is done. I don't want to make you guys wait any longer for a story making. It's not fair to you guys, so while I'm working on that I will be posting a book of oneshots. It will also be AOT oneshots. So I'll do my best to intrigue you guys to my new story!!


Hello!! My fellow weebs, I'm sorry that chapter 5 for I'm here is taking quite awhile I've busy with school work and cleaning. I'll make it up to you by next week ok? I'll most likely work on chapter 5 today, I don't know when it's gonna get out but I'll make sure it's between next week and today. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I hope you guys can forgive me!