Thanks for following me!
@Starlit_Archer I am apologize for my mistake but I don't actually meant that tho.. thanks
@Goldendevil97 Greetings! I want to say first that I would love to read your work, and will 100% when I have a free moment. However, I would like you to know that I don't entirely like that you tried to do 'tradsies' with me. If you had just asked me to do you a favour I would have, but inducing someone to do an action based on a 'favour' is not something I'm really interested in promoting as a writer. I genuinely like it when I get an honest review just because when they like something I've done. I'm not a huge fan of glorification when I haven't deserved it. I'm sure as a fellow writer, you can agree with me there. I can promise you I will try to read your work at some point in the coming week, and get back to you in the next week and a half. In Christ, Starlit Archer