
Happy New Year Everyone! 2023! Wow! It came fast and took forever at the same time lol. Hope everyone has had a great day/night, and I wish you all the best of luck as we all enter this new year. 


I just posted a new story! It’s a Twilight Fanfiction and I want to say now that there is no set schedule for this story, just like the rest of mine. I will probably be updating it a little bit within the next few weeks but it is more of a side piece then a main focus piece. 
          This story is a one of two perspectives. My story will be written in the perceptive of one of the two main characters, Katherine. The other main character is Sarah, and her perspective will be written by orions_space. So go check out her profile to see her perspective! 
          Be warned though! We have different writing styles and we probably won’t be updating at the same time. So one of our perspectives will probably be further into the story than the other’s. 
          But don’t let that keep you from checking our her work and reading her take on her side of the story! 
          I hope you have a great rest of your day/evening! I also hope that you check out the start of our new book, “Blood Bound”! 


So first of all: I’M NOT DEAD GUYS! Lol! I know I’ve been gone a long while but I’m not dead. I haven’t been able to update any books because after school ended I had to return the school laptop and that was how I was doing my writing. I am not good at writing on my phone and actually don’t like it much. However I have a new school laptop now for the next week for online summer school and I am taking advantage of it lol. 
          I am still working on getting myself my own laptop for personal use and so I have one after the end of this next school year. But it’s going to take time. I’m working and going to school so it’s gonna be a bit slow and hard but I’m determined. Lol if nothing else my family will get it for me for Christmas or my birthday. 
          Second: I am so sorry for how long it has taken me to post anything about anything. I am working on all of my stories currently and am hoping to have an update for all of them (whether an update for the story or an update about what I plan to do with the book as I may decide to get rid of some of them, but I’m undecided) sooner rather than later. 
          Thank you all who have stayed with me this far and continue to do so. I know I’m not good at sticking to a schedule so I know it can be frustrating and annoying. I can’t promise that I will be posting more but I will try. 
          I look forward to your comments (even the not so nice ones lol). I’d like to ask that everyone leave at least a hello in the comments here please. I like to see who all pays any attention to these and I’d just like to know how everyone is doing. I know these are still some tough times, even if things have calmed down. If you have any questions for me, don’t be afraid to ask. 
          I hope you all are having a pleasant day/night. Stay safe and stay happy!