
Hi, i'm back again!
          	Erm, i just made a new story that tittled as So High School. 2% daripada karya itu dialami oleh Emerald sendiri. Selebihnya, hanyalah rekaan semata-mata. Nama hero itu memang real ye cuma heroin sahaja dicipta. 
          	To him,
          	If you ever read the story, please always know that i will always remember you till the day I die. 
          	I don't love you but i just have a crush on you. I guess, you might have some clues on who I really am behind the StarryEmerald's nickname.
          	That's all. Babai! 


Hi, i'm back again!
          Erm, i just made a new story that tittled as So High School. 2% daripada karya itu dialami oleh Emerald sendiri. Selebihnya, hanyalah rekaan semata-mata. Nama hero itu memang real ye cuma heroin sahaja dicipta. 
          To him,
          If you ever read the story, please always know that i will always remember you till the day I die. 
          I don't love you but i just have a crush on you. I guess, you might have some clues on who I really am behind the StarryEmerald's nickname.
          That's all. Babai! 