Coming on here every once in a while and seeing an old friend account ping like “whoa this shit is old!” is the funniest thing to me lmao hope ya’ll doing okay out there
Been in Chinese Novel hell if any of you wanna join me follow me on twitter: @ pepinoprince ♀️♂️
(Really the only reason i do come on here as often as i do is to keep reading SPL lmao)
Coming on here every once in a while and seeing an old friend account ping like “whoa this shit is old!” is the funniest thing to me lmao hope ya’ll doing okay out there
Been in Chinese Novel hell if any of you wanna join me follow me on twitter: @ pepinoprince ♀️♂️
(Really the only reason i do come on here as often as i do is to keep reading SPL lmao)
@ChimcaeStha aw man im sorry D: i'm glad you enjoyed my fics and thank you so much for reading and supporting them <3 but im not in the fandom anymore :((
Watched the new Naruto Series Boruto and its actually p cute :' ) but guess who's #salty about not seeing Sasuke in the opening (meaning his ass isn't gonna show up anytime soon orz) *shamelessly started watching it because Sasuke is still my problematic fav and I'm always a thirsty hoe for that edgy piece of trash*
Yoooo no persona 5 fics on this site???? *cri* back to the 200 fics in ao3 i gooooooooo uAu
(im not even finished with the game yet but thats not stopping me from looking for that good shizzzz )
@smaIItownboy Rip faaammmm but aw dood i love allura D: and i basically ship anything tbh orz im part of the fandom that can find some kind of connection in whatever random crack ships you throw at me (or some of them i guess ) but boiii idk how you do it XD with everyone spoiling shit orz
@smaIItownboy damn selfish but i feeelll ToT im not a big shatt shipper tho lol maybe next season will change my mind :' ) idk much about matt and what i do know hasnt really captured my interest in him as a character so i dont really ship him with anyone, but i do hope they do some good stuff with him so i can jump on board the matt ships TuT