
//Just finished Deathly Hallows part 2! And I don't wanna make this a scenario nor a one shot because I know there isn't much I can do with it. 
          	That said, when Corvus and Draco see each other at Hogwarts after Voldemort calls off the Death Eaters, Corvus immediately hugs his baby brother, holding Draco as tightly as he can a few moments, murmuring "My baby.... my baby!" out of utter relief he's ok and safe and here and ALIVE. He then presses a kiss to his forehead and let's go to look him over for injuries. 


// just realized ambrose’s fc is also asa and now i’m embarrassed
          also i left the mood of the scenario pretty neutral so you can do with it what you want
          “What am I gonna do, Kipe?” Francis sighed, currently lying on his back in the Hufflepuff common room while stroking the soft feathers of his pet owl. He was a burrowing owl— not a strong enough flier to carry letters, more of a pet than a messenger. “This transfiguration thing is impossible.” At the sudden knock at the door, the boy frowned, sitting up— but the only person who’d come knocking at this hour was Corvus. He got up, letting Kipe perch on his shoulder as he made his way over and opened the door. “Corvus? What’s going on?”


            Corvus followed Francis, a smile and truly eased feeling at being on something comfortable. Don't get him wrong, the Ravenclaw beds were comfortable, and even if they weren't the Malfoys had more than enough to ensure their two sons have the best. Still, nothing quite beat Francis's room set up and a friendly company. He settled on a couch, propping his arm up and placing his head in the hand, listening to the response. He had to let out a short snorted chuckle at the comment about Harry, "I'd say that'd fit his vibe, eh? How is it by the way, between the two of you?" he imagined it'd be rather lonely, rough being the 'chosen one's' brother. He nodded after allowing himself to process his words, "I hope so.... I really do... I love Hogwarts, but if a war were to break out.... I dunno. It's terrifying, ya know? Fighting against people we know, seeing them /dîe/." 


Francis offered his friend a reassuring smile, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leading him over to the soft couches and bean bags that sat askew around the room. He settled himself on a bean bag in front of the fire, humming to himself as he stroked Kipe’s feathers. “I understand,” he said thoughtfully, listening and allowing a little frown to form on his face. “I don’t think so,” he ventured. “I mean, this is Hogwarts. Dumbledore would put a stop to any of that before it could get started. Besides, I thought Harry was supposed to be the one with the prophetic dreams.” He laughed, a little bitterly, in the wake of his own comment, stretching out like a cat and lying on his back on the bean bag. “I’m sure everything will be fine.”


@forgottenbrothers //XD it definitely is pretty funny 
            Corvus's smile widened a tiny bit at the assurance that coming here was alright. It made him feel a lot better. He nodded, immediately taking the invitation inside, not wanting to be caught and get in trouble on top of everything else going on. He looked over to Frankie at the question, seeming to hesitate before sighing, "Just seems like everything's going downhill.... ya know? None of these tears have felt /right/," he paused again, "I've been having dreams.... bad ones.... about a war... you don't think it's gonna come to that, right?"


//Just finished Deathly Hallows part 2! And I don't wanna make this a scenario nor a one shot because I know there isn't much I can do with it. 
          That said, when Corvus and Draco see each other at Hogwarts after Voldemort calls off the Death Eaters, Corvus immediately hugs his baby brother, holding Draco as tightly as he can a few moments, murmuring "My baby.... my baby!" out of utter relief he's ok and safe and here and ALIVE. He then presses a kiss to his forehead and let's go to look him over for injuries. 


//I don't really use Weston so I'm changing this up to a fandom I'm learning about and trying to get into: Harry Potter 
          I bought the first book and my OC is heavily under construction so this account may take a bit..... but being honest I'm genuinely excited for it. 
          All I have so far is his name is Corvus and his face claims are child Robbie Kay and Nico Mirallegro. 
          I'm debating making him a Malfoy but hesitate on the idea because Draco is supposed to be the only boy. I debated having him 'disowned' after he's sorted (leaning to Ravenclaw since he wouldn't be disowned for being a Slytherine) but I've also somewhat considered making him a Black (since he'd still be related). 
          I'm not sure, as said he's under a lot of construction. I will keep the username until I decide more about him. 


@soldiersghost //THANK YOU I FINALLY DECIDED TO GIVE IT A LEGIT SHOT SO NOW I'M EXCITED (I was just about to tag you cause you're the main friend I know that's into it XD)
            I haven't gotten to start the book yet cause of work but I'm hoping to read some of it tomorrow after I'm off and with my Books-A-Million card I'll be able to get the other books too thankfully. 
            ;) no worries once I get more familiar with the characters and such I'd be happy to rp it with you lol 


// i wish it was more of a flexible universe though :( my hp accounts never get interaction


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