been a while hasn’t it? sorry to say but i’ve lost interest in posting anything or writing anything on this app. it’s just that my interests have changed and so i’ll probably be disabling this account. if i don’t disable it then i’ll probably be privating all of my posted stories. sorry to everyone who genuinely enjoyed any of my works. and sorry to anyone who took may have taken comfort in any of them. i had so much fun on this app and met many amazing people, we had a good run. and who knows? maybe you’ll see me writing other things else where, or creating different forms of content elsewhere. though it’s very unlikely that if i were to start making content again that you’d recognize me. anyways, i don’t wanna make this too long winded. i love you all, stay strong alright? peace. -starry <3

or if any one will care but it still feels right, instead of just disappearing