
Hey, I was wondering if you were gonna update your Carry On Snowbaz fanfic. I really love it and I’ve missed your updates!


@FinaFee8 I will DEFINITELY do that! I’m happy I found another person who loves this book as much as me, so I am so down to fangirl! (And your writing is amazing! I get that being insecure is a thing everyone faces for different reasons, but I’m saying right now that I love reading your work.) 
            ALSO: god I feel like Rainbow is torturing us with the Wayward Son updates!


@Liz_Cavs11 I'm so glad that I found you as a reader :) I'm feeling always so insecure about my writing so it's so nice to hear that somebody really cares!
            If you want to talk about Carry On and Wayward Son and so on and don't want to wait until I finally wrote something new, you can always text me on Instagram ;) I'm always up for fangirling. 
            (And ahhh the waiting for Wayward Son is driving me crazy!! XD)


Yay! That’s understandable and of course work and taking care of yourself should always come first, so take your time. And I’m glad you still wanna write for the story! I looked forward to your updates almost everyday and talking with you in the comments, and I’ve been missing it lately so I thought I would check in lol :) thanks for replying and I can’t wait for what you post in the future!  (And I cant wait for Wayward Son toooooo)