
Some people on my bus need to understand that other people need to sit in a seat too. They kick their feet up or lay down and then they get annoyed when someone has to sit next to them…it’s NOT your seat. And literally a lot of the time I don’t even be knowing these people are in a bus seat, I just think it’s an empty seat and then when I get closer somebody is laying down in it. The only time I lay down in a bus seat is when it’s after school where not that many people get on the bus… and no one is sitting next to me.


@StarsWillStay real (has never been on a bus over 3 times a year]


Other people have to sit on the bus too.


Some people on my bus need to understand that other people need to sit in a seat too. They kick their feet up or lay down and then they get annoyed when someone has to sit next to them…it’s NOT your seat. And literally a lot of the time I don’t even be knowing these people are in a bus seat, I just think it’s an empty seat and then when I get closer somebody is laying down in it. The only time I lay down in a bus seat is when it’s after school where not that many people get on the bus… and no one is sitting next to me.


@StarsWillStay real (has never been on a bus over 3 times a year]


Other people have to sit on the bus too.


The internet was out for half of the day today so me and my grandma just sat outside while my mom and uncle were inside the house. I helped my grandmother cut some of the tree that was on the next door neighbors house and I think we did good! And thank gosh the Wi-if came back on now. We had another Tornado and a storm yesterday so that's why the power lines suddenly went out this morning.
          We live in a small neighborhood, the Tornado didn't really hit our area but it was really close. I'm just thankful we survived!


Imagine having the most normal Sunday night and then in the span of a short 5 minutes you get a tornado warning, a tornado siren and then the rain comes really quickly. (The tornado warning was lifted thankfully but oh my gosh that was the fastest time we’ve ever gotten a tornado.)


@StarsWillStay I would've dug myself a burrow and become half human half rabbit and form bonds with my underground brethren, then make a rabbit revolution 


=====Trigger Warning ======= 
          Sometimes I feel like distancing my self away from trying to make more friends online, because now I feel like if I do then I’m going to be to much for them and they probably are going to forget about me. Sometimes I just want to curl up in a ball and disassociate myself into a black void with absolutely nothing in it because I don’t think in a real life I don’t think people take me seriously, including people in school call me weird and stuff. I’m scared to take my own life but at the same time It’s something that I would genuinely consider.


@StarsWillStay It's okay to feel like this, and it might not seem like it, but you can recover.


My Hero Academia Oc information , yippie! 
          Name: Dairoku Harutaka
          Quirk: Rebellion’s Spirit
          Information: Rebellion’s Spirit emerges when the user feels a sense of motivation, determination, or anger. This motivation causes the user to have enhanced strength, agility, and a power upgrade to any weapons he uses when striking. This quirk may also have some aid to self-healing the users minor injuries, and a few moderate injuries, but it only lasts for a little amount of time.
          Weakness: If the user starts to loose motivation or willpower, the quirk will start to weaken.
          Backstory (Small Trigger Warning): Dairoku came from a town that’s prone to criminal activity, the police that was in charge of that district unfortunately didn’t care enough to investigate further into the crimes that happened, leaving to more chaos. Dairoku’s sister Doriimu died due to a gunshot wound to the head. And his brother Dojiru was kidnapped, and turned into a villain after being manipulated for so long. His mother also used to be a delinquent in high school. The family is still shaken from everything that has happened, yet they’re trying to recover from it all. 
          (Uh-…should I change that backstory I dunno if it’s too much or not. )
          Personality: Dairoku is a fun person to hangout with, he likes to try new things, considerate of other people around him, most definitely a risk taker, and maybe a little reckless. He can be optimistic half of the time but mostly a realist. In battle, Dairoku is very determined and focused. Even though he sometimes may not be he calmest person as he maybe seen fighting with Bakugo over something silly, he’s overall a friendly and loyal person. 
          I ship Dairoku with Hagakure but they’re just platonic for now lol.
          One of his best friends is with another Oc that’s Bakugo’s Sister. (Don’t worry she’s a nice person, but she can be a little aggressive sometimes.)
          His uncle is also a hero too!


I’m officially planning on making my own manga! Basically it’s about roller skating but with fighting monsters or villains and powers included in it. Since I’m currently in a summer manga class I’m able to start working on it. Bro I’m genuinely excited to make this.


So one time my English teacher gave us an assignment to write a peom about anything and I chose Mitsuri so I decided to show it here. ♥︎
          Pink and green hair braided in three,
          A heart of gold and power,
          What a wonder of mystery is she,
          A simple slash from her sword might devour,
          The thousands of food she might eat in one go,
          To only feel hungrier after she’s done,
          The simple call from her crow
          To let her know to fight till dawn comes
          Her green stockings with embedded black stripes
          The wacky colors compliment her right
          Given by a man with a white snake who bites
          The beauty of a woman who wants to find love
          Maybe a little shy and afraid to talk
          A ballerina in the battlefield if you keep your head up
          No one dares to defeat a hashira in her high