My Hero Academia Oc information , yippie!
Name: Dairoku Harutaka
Quirk: Rebellion’s Spirit
Information: Rebellion’s Spirit emerges when the user feels a sense of motivation, determination, or anger. This motivation causes the user to have enhanced strength, agility, and a power upgrade to any weapons he uses when striking. This quirk may also have some aid to self-healing the users minor injuries, and a few moderate injuries, but it only lasts for a little amount of time.
Weakness: If the user starts to loose motivation or willpower, the quirk will start to weaken.
Backstory (Small Trigger Warning): Dairoku came from a town that’s prone to criminal activity, the police that was in charge of that district unfortunately didn’t care enough to investigate further into the crimes that happened, leaving to more chaos. Dairoku’s sister Doriimu died due to a gunshot wound to the head. And his brother Dojiru was kidnapped, and turned into a villain after being manipulated for so long. His mother also used to be a delinquent in high school. The family is still shaken from everything that has happened, yet they’re trying to recover from it all.
(Uh-…should I change that backstory I dunno if it’s too much or not. )
Personality: Dairoku is a fun person to hangout with, he likes to try new things, considerate of other people around him, most definitely a risk taker, and maybe a little reckless. He can be optimistic half of the time but mostly a realist. In battle, Dairoku is very determined and focused. Even though he sometimes may not be he calmest person as he maybe seen fighting with Bakugo over something silly, he’s overall a friendly and loyal person.
I ship Dairoku with Hagakure but they’re just platonic for now lol.
One of his best friends is with another Oc that’s Bakugo’s Sister. (Don’t worry she’s a nice person, but she can be a little aggressive sometimes.)
His uncle is also a hero too!