Starsabovethesun not coming back. At least not until I'm an adult and have my own house and can do whatever I want.'ll be at LEAST four years ( cause I'm turning 14 this year, and I'm probably moving out at 18. ) I just feel like I didn't structure this profile really well. Plus, I completely ruined my relationship with my mom through this app. Also, I first got on Wattpad in 6th grade, when my life was a train wreck. Basically, this is a poorly written goodbye until I get a life outside of my house. Okay one more thing. I MADE MY MOM SOUND LIKE AN AWFUL PERSON AND ISTFG SHE'S NOT SHE'S AMAZING!!
@-Rainbow_Witch- Hey, I'm sorry for what's happening to you. Hope it will get a little better. Also, happy 4th of July.
@LeoValdez4eva Thank you so much! You literally have no idea how much this means to me.