Thank you for tagging me in this @s4r4h05 !! This seems so interesting! Biggest Fear: My biggest fear would have to be lightning and fireworks. Laugh all you want to, but fireworks PETRIFY me!! They have ever since I can remember!! And lightning petrifies me because I don't want to be electrocuted, yet I absolutely LOVE the rain!! But I also have this really, really weird fear that I'll end up alone with pets for some reason. Probably because I'm in the middle of the age where it seems like everyone is inlove or "talking" to someone and I'm just (literally) like "This book is good!" Obsessions: I'm obsessed with green eyes, curly hair, and long eyelashes! Again, laugh all you'd like to! I'm obsessed with green eyes because they're so cool!! My eyes are sort of green. And I LOVE curly hair SOOO much! Although I'm sure everyone with it hates it, but it looks so pretty! I'm also obsessed with long eye lashes because mine are super short and I hate it! Favorite Movie: Taken. I love it so much! It was sort of scary the first time, but after a while I was fine. Life Inspiration: I don't really have one. I guess just over-all good people and my future self, because I'd like to think that be one of those people that is almost too nice, when I'm older. I'll tag: @JamieLynnJules @harrycatstyles @rosendalimas
@Starships616 You're welcome, and about ur biggest fear u can always sing: Heyyy Thunder, go away I'm not afraid of u! (with the rhythm of Hey Brother from Avici) ehehe And about ending up alone.. We are definitely on the same page!! But we will never end up alone, we can always create a character and marry him! ;-) hee he