The vicious cycle:
I spend and hour or so looking for good Mha stories to read.
A story catches my attention and I begin to read it, but unfortunately:
The story is written in the form of a script which is just kinda disappointing.
The story has the same boring, cliche, unrealistic, and extremely irritating theme of “I doN’t LiKe heRoeS beCAUse TheY aRe seLFisH And JUsT wANt FaMe!”
The story is one I’ve already read before.
So then after all that I realize that instead of continuing to search for something I’ll never find, I can instead write my own story.
I then open up the computer and choose the story I want to work on.
I begin typing.
And then I realize how much work it is to write and I think to myself:
“Hey, there could possibly be some Mha stories out there that I haven’t read yet and that I might really like.”
So then I open up this cursed program and once again, I continue this vicious cycle.