this message may be offensive
I just noticed that Siblicide has “Book 2 Coming Soon” at the end but hell naw how tf do you expect me to finish a story when the whole family died? Need me to get Dream to revive him, now that he’s out of prison? Hell naw. I don’t know wtf past me was thinking, but I forgot about that shit. I am not making a book 2. I do not have the hour I spent making the first one. And yes, this is a joke. But I won’t be making a book 2, because to hell with my life.

@Start_Ove5 Hi, quick question- um. Could I rewrite Siblicide? Don't get me wrong, I freaking LOVE the story, I just feel like you didn't put in as much detail as I would have liked. Sorry if this is offensive in any way, it was a really really good fic! And, well, as you can see, this entire account is dedicated to re-writing stories, so- Again, I'm really sorry If this is offencive, I'll make sure to give credit, though. :>