Happy holidays :) Take care of yourself and have a good time <3 If your struggling with the holidays remember to take time with yourself and be careful. You're worth it. I love you all and best of wishes. Hopefully after Christmas I'll get back to updating <3
@StateOf_Taylor yeah that's why ur a summer baby so therfore your prefer the cold over the hot. I've always wanted to go to Australia but I just don't have the money and with this virus going around and me constantly getting sick with everything else but covid I don't think it would be a good idea ya know
@StateOf_Taylor if you don't mind me asking? But what month were you born? I'm only asking cause I've come to a conclusion that most people in the world born in winter months hate winter but love spring and summer those born in spring and summer months hate spring and summer but love winter.
@eksipnoulis honesty siblings are certainly better than friends at school. My sister and neighbour who’s like my little sis are much better than anyone at school.