Okay I didn't want to read any of the newer Warriors Super Editions cause they all sounded really crappy and there are cats that deserve one more than Spottedleaf or Tigerheart. But, since I, got on YouTube and saw a video reviewing Tigerheart's Shadow AND giving me a synopsis of the entire book AND mentioning parts of Spottedleaf's Heart that honestly doesn't even make sense, I'm just gonna say...
This has not only given me enraged motivation to finish a new chapter for Poke-Warriors, this has also given me hellish determination to MAKE SURE TO CHANGE ANYTHING - NO - EVERYTHING WRONG ABOUT THOSE TWO SUPER EDITIONS AND THE APPRENTICE QUEST WELL BACK TO MORE WRITING.
But in all seriousness, I still majorly respect the Erins and the amazing series given to us for the past two decades. But this - these - super editions, were a huge letdown. Not only to the entire series, but to Dovewing (Absolutely destroyed), Tigerheart(MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND, ALSO YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE LEADER IN ANY WAY), and Spottedleaf(Bro, Thistleclaw ain't gonna love you, I admired you better when you liked Firestar). Good thing that Ivypool is saved, thank god.
Alright back to more writing.